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Darkness Falls
A man must return to his hometown to confront his troubled past and save his childhood sweetheart and her younger brother from an unrelenting evil that has plagued the town of Darkness Falls for 150...  View more >

Starring Chaney Kley, Emma Caulfield, Joshua Anderson...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jan 29, 2003
Decent movie. The plot is pretty basic and cookie cutter, no real twists or turns that you haven't seen in other movies. The director does do a good job of setting the mood and uses the lighting to full advantage.

Unless you're a die-hard horror fan, you probably won't feel the need to rush out and see it.
Feb 9, 2003
This was a damn good movie. I don't know what this other guy was thinking. I went into the movie not expecting much, but I really enjoyed it. The whole movie was made for you to try to watch for this flying tooth fairy. The darkness is everywhere, and so is this crazy villan.

I don't know if it's worth 7.50. But It would be a good, late night thriller.
Feb 11, 2003
Another lame horror film. \"Darkness Falls\" has all the emotions of a bad horror film, with bits and pieces being borrowed from other horror films. It\'s like rehashing the \"Nightmare on Elm Street\" series from the 1980\'s.

It centered on an old woman named \"The Tooth Fairy,\" who was told in a fake documentary that she was hung for killing two innocent children, whom later they were found alive. This is where the film went downhill from there. The tooth fairy comes back in the dark to kills any child who loses it\'s last baby tooth and anyone who gets in the way. One exception to the rule, she can only attack in the dark.

There\'s not much I could say about this feeble-minded film, except the Motion Picture Assocaition of America gave the film a shocking PG-13. Quite Sad!
Feb 24, 2003

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