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Paranormal Activity
After a young, middle class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban "starter" tract house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be somehow demonic but is...  View more >

Starring Micah Sloat, Katie Featherston, Mark Fredrichs...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Oct 17, 2009
Possibly the best ghost movie since the Blair Witch Project. Might even be better. One of the more creepy, atmospheric, theater experiences I've had. Definitely worth seeing if you like ghost movies.
Oct 20, 2009
Went to this film knowing absolutely nothing about it.

Paranormal activity reaches to the comfort of your bedroom and collects your soul. For those who are afraid of ghosts/demon possession, this is perhaps one of the creepiest movies ever made. Very similar to the blair witch project...only, a demon in a house instead of a witch in the woods. Same hand held/steady cams and psychological scares...Still, scary as hell!
Oct 23, 2009
Oct 27, 2009
Scary and without a drop of blood, "Paranormal Activity" has emerged as one of the best horror movie of the fall season. Although it's not as good as "the Blair Witch Project," the film is scary to the core. Believe me, you will be scare. In this film, a couple has sat up a camera to record the movement of ghostly entity. The film has started out as talky, but the fear takes over this movie. Doors swings open, loud noises and dragging someone down the hall is part of the horror in this movie. I keeping watching the bedroom door, one eye on the door and the other eye on the time at the bottom right. There are plenty of intense moments and lots of scares. You see, you don't have to have a lot of blood and gore to make a horror movie. Alfred Hitchcock would have love the movie.
Nov 1, 2009
The cinematography was good. Possibility? Absolutely! Scary? No. For good picture quality, see at the theater; otherwise wait for the rental.
Nov 4, 2009
I would of gave this a wait for rental but its a must see in the theaters. This was not all that bad the ending was the best part. You could have missed most of the movie and seen the last 20min to get what was going on.It draged on for a while i even think i laughed more than were weirded out. Its better than the blair witch and least it was something different rather than the same ol movies like saw and all the remakes.
Nov 5, 2009
Nov 15, 2009
I was looking forward to this movie and was very disappointed. My husband and i were the ONLY people in the theatre and now i see why. there was no plot, no real story- kept waiting for something scary to happen and reach conclusion. It didnt. It was a total waste of time.
Nov 20, 2009
Not super scary, but less lame than most horror films.

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