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When Worlds Collide

Starring Richard Derr, Barbara Rush, Peter Hanson...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jan 7, 2004
\"When Worlds Collide\" is one of the best science fiction movies I had ever saw. What makes this film different from any science fiction is the storyline about the end of Earth and the advance of Special Effect which will have a effect on Scirence fiction movies for the rest of the decade. What\'s also scary about this movie is that the planet Earth is in danger of being destroyed by another planet. George Pal who did the Puppetoons series in the 1930\'s and 40\'s was the director. His best. I love the characters who are trying to built a spacecraft to get off Earth. The villian of the film is not an alien, but a fiancial backer in a wheelchair who decides who rides in the spaceship. You probaby remind him of another wheelchair villain by the name of Mr. Potter played by Lionel Barrymore in \"It\'s a Wonderful Life.\" The film came out the same year as another Science fiction movie, \"The Day the Earth Stood Still.\" both films has taken Science fiction out of the B movies put them into the mainstream. \"When World Collide\" deserve a second look. I saw this movie as a kid and I was scared by the movie. Seeing it a few years ago brings back my childhood memories in a very good way.

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