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Justice League
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and...  View more >

Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams...  View more >

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Reviews Summary

Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Nov 20, 2017
Things Justice League did well:
-Writing: The dialogue and banter between characters
-Ben Affleck: The best Bruce Wayne we've seen on screen
-Wonder Woman's action sequences
-Brunch and pitchfork jokes
-Casting of Jason Momoa as Aquaman

Thing's Justice League could have improved
-A longer runtime, to flesh out and provide more backstory on the new team members
-Bad CGI: Namely Henry Cavill's face (literally his upper lip doesn't move half of the time when he speaks) and Steppenwolf
-Sky beams

Overall, Justice League was serviceable. It was a fun ride that made me smile and chuckle, but overall it could have been great with a few additional scenes and CGI tweaks.
Nov 21, 2017
I didn't expect "Justice League" to be as great as "Wonder Woman," but there are some stuff in the movie that i like. Take Gal Gadot as Wonder woman. She is the strength behind the movie. She's way better than the other teammates. Ben Affleck isn't the best actor to play Batman, but at least he'll do. Jason Mornoa looks fierce as Aquaman. In the comics, the character comes off as blonde. In the film version, he's anything but. Ezra Miller as the flash, is a bit of a comic relief. Ray Fisher is good as Cyborg. Yes, i know, he's part of "The Teen Titans," I've watch "Teen Titans Go" on Cartoon Network every chance I get. But adding Cyborg to the Justice League isn't nothing new. When the New 52 comics were putting together in 2011, they movie Cybrog from the Teen Titans to the Justice League, so they won't have to worry about reading Twitter with #JusticeLeagueSoWhite. Also, Superman comes back from the dead. I like the movie despite a 37% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. Ignore the rating and see the movie. In the end, (you should say for the final credits, I can't stress it enough) there is a plot that will lead into a possible "Justice League 2," in which Lex Luthor recruit some bad guys. I got an idea for a villain for the team. How about Raven? yes, she is part of Teen Titans, but she can come off as a villain. I got the person why can play the role. Ruby Rose.(XXX) Instead of tights, she can be in leather. Wouldn't that be cool if that casting actually happen?
Nov 24, 2017
Disjointed, and somewhat lackluster, Justice League is the movie we've all been waiting for, but doesn't quite reach the heights of the Avengers.

Check out my full review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw3_w4_rCSA

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