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World War Z
A U.N. employee (Brad Pitt) traverses the world in a race against time to stop a pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to decimate humanity itself.

Starring Brad Pitt, Bryan Cranston, Mireille Enos...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jun 23, 2013
Jun 26, 2013
If I were you, I wouldn't compare "World War Z" to "Warm Bodies." Yes, they're both Zombie movies, but when it comes to content, they're miles apart. "Warn Bodies" is a little light, but "World War Z" takes itself seriously. The mvoie is a cross between "28 Days Later" and "Comtagion." Brad Pitt (who plays ans ex-Unitred Nations Invesigator) and his family were on a trip when I group of zombiues are on the rampage. After escaping their wrath, he must be sent to save the plant from the zombie rampage. My favorite scene in the m,ovie involves the zombies climbing over each other to get to the top. Pitt gave it a good performance. I'll continue to say it, he's the Robert Redford of our film gernation. "World War Z" isnm't the best zombie movie ever, but somehow, I like the movie.
Jun 27, 2013
Starts off good then fizzle's out to be a b movie
Jul 21, 2013
Very Good! If you love zombie movies then your in for a surprise. This is like "The Walking Dead" on steroids. Very cool effects and story line. Action all the way through. Brad was a little out of his element and could have used better supporting actors. The zombies were good but could have had better kill scenes. Not enough blood and gore for a typical zombie movie in my opinion. Should have shown what they do to their victims, this was not shown. I like to see guts getting ripped out and it wasn't there. Had that sense of "the biography of a plague" to it and Brad never showed any emotion of real fear or "wow that was close". Not his best movie by far and I'm a fan. Go see it.
Jul 27, 2013
My son and I really enjoyed this movie!
Aug 26, 2013
Good movie but as previously mentioned-it fizzles out at the end. For such a large scale problem, it is hard to imagine any miracle quick-fix cure to the zombie plague. Enter Hollywood. This being said, it was probably Brad Pitt's best performance since Legends of the Fall.
Aug 29, 2013
good acting and awesome special effects make for a good and tense movie that was worth seeing on the big screen.
Oct 10, 2013
World War Z had all the trappings of a big-budget action movie (big star, big budget, and lots of hype leading up to its release), and that probably hurt it more than anything. If it had been a simpler production, on the order of District 9, 28 Days, or even I Am Legend, I think it would have been even more enjoyable because it wasn't trying to be something it wasn't.

That said, it is what it is, so is it any good? It's a procedural thriller, with some good zombie action scenes. There are plot holes that you could drive a truck through if you think about it too much, but that's the case with most such movies. The ending was a little rushed, but I thought it hit all its marks pretty well.

I went into the movie with low expectations, but I enjoyed the movie. It might even be better on a second viewing so I may take another look on Blu-ray.

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