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Dracula Untold
Luke Evans (Fast & Furious 6, The Hobbit series) transforms from the cursed man history knows as Vlad the Impaler to an all-powerful creature of the night in Universal Pictures' Dracula Untold,...  View more >

Starring Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Oct 14, 2014
Don't like the word "Intold" fool you. Yes, the title is "Dracula Untold" but his origin has been told many times which could come up with a better title like "Dracula Begins?" Which leaves the Untold part useless. And why did we bring back Dracula to the big screen Compare with the recent vampires movies like the Twlight movies or "Let Me In" which because the best movie of 2010. Dracula is nothing more than a old hat. His origin is badly done making it look like a superhero movie. the film is good looking but doesn't add anything to the movie. Want a better vampire movie? Yes, not not on the big screen, It's on TV It's "The Strain" on FX and it's much better than the movie. Bad News: It aired the season finale a few weeks ago and it will return next summer. "Dracula Untild" will be on TV next summer too, so you can compare between the movie and "The Strain." If you doi, you will be shock.
Oct 17, 2014
This was a total re-telling with a fresh new story based loosely on the old. Well done.

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