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America's Sweethearts
A married movie star couple must promote a movie they made, even though they now can't stand each other. Life gets worse when their publicist plants a rumor of them getting back together, even though...  View more >

Starring Julia Roberts, Billy Crystal, John Cusack...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jul 21, 2001
For a film I read the reviews of before seeing it, it was as they said it was: funny, smart, and the fun was getting to the part that said "the end"... well, most of that is true. I found it very amusing.

I took my youngest brother to it (who opted not to go to Jurassic Park because he thought I guilted him) and he agreed: Julia Roberts looks better with her hair up than down. It gave it a distracting look at things when I was paying attention to her hair. :)

I'm not a big fan of John Cusack, but it was cool all the same. Hank Azaria's hilarious comments ("pussy flat") and wonderful accent just gave it the umpth it needed as Crystal's comments were 1/2 the fun.. Not all were amusing, however.

But Catherine Zeta Jones was very interesting to say the least... The film is a good one.. and if you think this is just a chic-flick, okay... go ahead and see only that.

I liked the film and give it about an A-/B+ rating. It was worth the money and time.
[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jul 21, 2001
This movie was really funny in parts. If that's what you're looking for in a movie then this is the one for you. I didn't feel any chemistry between the sweethearts. The characters were shallow and flat. Billy Crystal's character held the movie together. For me, one time viewing would be more than enough.
[--- Good ---]by  
Jul 25, 2001
This movie was a disapointment. I can't recall a movie where I've seen Julia Roberts do such a bad job in acting her part. She phoned in her performance in the first half of the movie. It was like she was going through her lines with no sense of emotion. Zeta-Jones was good. Billy Crystal had a few lines, and most of them fell flat.

Not much to laugh about in this movie. The dog bit got old quick. This is a movie to see at a cheapie theater.
Jul 25, 2001
"America's Sweethearts" is a unfunny sitcon-like movie in which Julia Roberts continues to recycled the same role over and over again. This film has no backbone, the film's too sweet in hurting anybody. There's nothing to like and we get the sense that thios movie is playing it too safe.

John Crusack and Catherine Zeta-Jones are a couple, appearing in blockbuster films until they split up, leaving Billy Crystal to try in getting the couple back together again. But the film isn't funny or daring. It plays it safe and that's wrong with the film.

I love Julia Roberts very much and I hate to trash her movies. Every time I do, I feel a little sadder.
[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Aug 2, 2001
They could've done better. Some parts in the movie were long and boring and just had no point. Don't waste more money than you should on a movie like this.
[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Aug 12, 2001
This is absolutely not Julia Roberts style. How could she have accepted participating in this farce! As for the "classy" Catherine Zeta-Jones, how could she, as well, consider being in this crude picture regarding private parts. I thought we were getting out of this rut!
[--- See Now! ---]by  
Aug 12, 2001
[--- Good ---]by  
Aug 19, 2001
I thought this was a fun movie with several big laughs. Definitely not my favorite film from any of the principle actors, but I thought they gave decent performances.

Azaria's character was a little over the top for me, and I am not sure whether it was his fault or the writers. The audience I saw this with left the theater with smiles, (as did I).
[--- Good ---]by  
Sep 30, 2001
As soon as I saw the trailer for this film I was dying to see it. I mean, a romantic comedy/drama with John Cusack and Julia Roberts? - it's got to be good!

I enjoyed the film, but wish that there had been more time developing the relationship between Eddie and Kiki. The first 80% of the film he's pining away over the soon-to-be-ex wife, and then he's in love with Kiki. It's sweet, but I would have liked the change to take place closer to the middle.

Either way, I left the theater feeling all mushy. (That's a good thing!)

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