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Green Book
Academy Award® Winner
When Tony Lip, an Italian-American bouncer with a seventh-grade education, is hired to drive Dr. Don Shirley, a world-class African-American pianist on a concert tour from Manhattan to the Deep...  View more >

Starring Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini...  View more >

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Reviews Summary

Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Dec 5, 2018
Very entertaining! Played to a sold out theater.
Dec 14, 2018
A wonderful movie with strong performances and a incredible chemistry between an Africa-American pianist and his driver who not only journey though the south, but learn from each other. Viggo Mortensen is hired to driver for Dr. Don Shirley an African-American pianist played brilliantly by Manershala Ali. As their journey went farther into the southern part of the country in 1962, they get to know each other. I attended a screening on a Monday, and a lot of people show up. When a lot of people show up to see a special movie, then this film has something. Ali performances is incredible. "Between "Moonlight" and "Green Card," he played two incredible but different characters. Kind of reminds me of actor Rod Steiger who went from Russian nobleman in "Dr. Zhivago" to a racist sheriff In "In the the Heat of the Night." Viggo Mortenson with that chin reminds me of a young Kirk Douglas. this movie works on all levels, the acting, the writing the background sets, everything works in this movie. If you want a see a great movie, It's time to see "Green Book." You be happy you did.
Feb 19, 2019
Rarely do movies take me by surprise, but I admit that, while I was looking forward to seeing Green Book, I wasn't prepared to like it as much as I did.

The movie was nominated for 5 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Screenplay, and for both Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali. I have always enjoyed Mortensen's acting, so it shouldn't have come as any surprise to me that I liked him here, but this is an excellent example of an actor becoming his character! You don't see his past roles, but rather an Italian-American guy, warts and all, that's trying to make his way in the world and support his family. While Ali was also good, he did not approach that same level.

This story was based on the writing of Nick Vallelonga, who is the son of Mortenson's Tony 'Lip' Vallelongo. Some criticism has come from the family of Donald Shirley (Ali's character) that the story isn't true to who Shirley was, and I can't attest to that.

What I can attest to is enjoying the story put on the screen in front of me, and the interactions between the two characters as they road trip around the country, including into the deep south, where people of color were not welcome everywhere. Road trip movies are about the journey, and not the destination, but in this movie, not only did the journey please this viewer, but the destination of both characters was apt as well.

Here I am, a day later, and I'm looking up music by Don Shirley and the Don Shirley Trio. I was not aware of him before, but now I'm getting the chance to enjoy his music and explore what he had to offer.

When the credits rolled, I judged this to be the Best Picture of 2018 in my book. That gives it a "See Now!" rating without reservation.

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