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Sweet Home Alabama
A New York fashion designer finds herself engaged to the city's most eligible bachelor, but needs to go back home to Alabama to divorce her redneck husband she married in high school.

Starring Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas, Jean Smart...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Sep 28, 2002
This is a 'chick flick' It's a good movie, not the best, and maybe I should've put "Wait for Rental" but I just had to say 'good'.

There are some slow parts and you can pretty much guess the entire plot and ending during the first 15-20 min. It did have some funy parts, and maybe a few tear jerking ones to.

But I'd wait a few weeks to see this one. It's not worth the wait of 30 min in a long line, pushing and shoving for 'your' seat. But I think the 'big screen' will be better to see this, then your 19" tv!
Oct 2, 2002
Reese Witherspoon holds her own in "Sweet Home Alabama." A comedy that has been twice-told, but the performance from Witherspoon made this film worthwhile.

She plays a fashion designer who must journey to Alabama to end her marriage to a redneck whom she married in high school. The film is a familiar "fish-out-of-water-in-the-south" storyline that has reminded me of the 1991 film "Doc Hollywood," starring Michael J. Fox, as a northern man who was stranded in a southern town.

There are some southern sterotypes, but it was Witherspoon's performance that made me give this movie an uneven recomedition. Witherspoon's peaky performance has reminded me of a young Meg Ryan.
Oct 3, 2002
Great movie! Light and enjoyable! Reese Witherspoon does a great job and her husband, Jake, does a great job! One of the more enjoyable flicks I've seen in awhile.
Oct 5, 2002
Oh, God, what a bomb! I went to see this movie based on TV hype; I should have known better.

When I read that a "noted" movie reviewer had given this a one and one-half star, I said "So what, it can't be that bad." Ho, ho! Was I ever wrong. It is "that bad."

I have no problem with knowing from the get-go what a movie is all about and figuring out the plot/ending, but I do have a problem with inane dialogue and stupidity. Hyping that "the South will rise again" and honoring the Civil War is ludicrous. This is one United States no matter how much money the movie makers wish to make.
Oct 31, 2002
This was the most predictable movie I have ever seen. I figured out what would happen ten minutes after the movie began. It had some redeeming qualities but it just wasn't all that special. I feel like I've seen this movie before somewhere before.
Nov 14, 2002
Now this movie may not be an oscar winning classic and it may be somewhat predicatable but it is sure to win everyone's heart.

Not only is this film utterly delightful, it portrays southern culture perfectly. It deserves more than these pitiful reviews from unworthy ciritics who obviously didn't realize they were going to see a light, heartfelt romantic comedy.

Sweet Home Alabama goes beyond great to become a classic in every sense of the word. It is cute, funny, and oh so very touching that it will tug at your heartstrings. i have not net a single person whos didn't love this movie the instant they saw it. utterly wonderful, i recommend that EVERYONE gos and see it soon!
Feb 15, 2003
This is a cute love story, especially if you like Reese Witherspoon. It is a great date flick, or just a decent chick flick.
Jul 21, 2003
A good date-night film to enjoy with your significant other. It starts out a little slow, so give it a chance and you shouldn't be disappointed.

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