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The Matrix Revolutions
Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus -- along with the rest of their battling posse -- continue to come against the machines that have systematically enslaved the human race in the Matrix.

Starring Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Nov 6, 2003
The original Matrix was a brilliant movie based on a wonderfully simple concept. The second installment lead us into a world of mysticism and hope and raised a multitude of questions about the oralce, the architect and the history of the matrix. This movie was a complete let-down. Not only were these questions not answered, but we learn that the writers never even had the answers.

Whereas the first movie was filled with entertainment and offered us a sci-fi world that seemed completely consistent with itself, this movie offered no more consistency than modern philosophy. I get the impression that the writers, after their success with part 1, felt that they had a license to make two movies any way they desired, completely neglecting what led to their original success. If the first movie had any simiilarity to this one, there never would have been a second and a third.
Nov 6, 2003
Whereas Matrix Reloaded is one of my all-time favorites, this one disappointed me. I liked the previous movies much more for the philosophizing and concepts than the special effects. With Matrix Revolutions, I mostly felt like I was watching a bad rip-off of Star Wars: the battle scenes and spaceship chases were interminable and boring and added no real plot value, and like the main reviewer says, the actors seemed on autopilot most of the time.

I, like several others in the theater, stayed through the credits hoping for something, anything to compensate for the empty feeling the movie left me. When the final credits had disappeared, a few stragglers like me were left behind and someone said sarcastically: "Okay, now the real movie is going to start."

There were morsels of interesting moments and dialog, but these were few and far between.
Nov 7, 2003
I found myself more impressed with this movie than I thought I would be. To be honest, I had found Matrix Reloaded to be a bit of a disappointment, with some of the CGI looking ridiculous (the 1000 Agent Smith fight scene) and much of the martial arts and stop-action photography to be too much of the same as the original.

Revolutions, on the other hand, plays more like a standard sci-fi action movie, but as such, I found it quite engaging. The philosophical angle was decent and, while it didn't add any mind-bending twists, it seemed to be a fitting end to the trilogy. There's still some good martial arts and gravity-defying stunts, and plenty of gargantuan machines and explosions, all of which I thought were rendered very well. At the very least, it offers something that should be seen on the big screen as opposed to a rental.
Nov 8, 2003
Awesome...everything I expected from the final installment and more. I'm having diffculty understanding some of the bad reviews of this film. If you liked the first two, you will love the finale.

There was an irritating flourescent light on in the projection room during my viewing of the movie but I did not want to leave my seat and complain for fear I might miss something. Do not miss the opportunity to see this most impressive eye candy on a big screen. Buy or rent the DVD when it comes out, but don't blow your chance to see it on the big screen.

The initial swarm of the Sentinels busting through to Zion alone, is worth the price of admission.
Nov 13, 2003
A satisflying conclusion to the series. although the acting isn\'t as good as the last film, the special effects is wroth it. I won\'t give away the ending, but the film is good enough for you to show up. It\'s good, but not great. \"The Matrix:Revolutions,\" deserves you attention.
Nov 14, 2003
There was a reason Reloaded had as much exposistion as it did. Its so this movie can just go from action scene to action scene without having to slow down to explain things. The action scenes in the movie are very good. But it seems like in the process of doing them, they forgot that there's still plot lines that need to be finished. There's a lot left unresolved, and it hurts the film. But the action scenes do make it well worth the price of admission, if you liked the first two.
Nov 15, 2003
Not bad. Visually stunning. Enjoyable. Just not nearly as good as the first one.
Nov 19, 2003
The first in the series was the best...the second I did not care for especially the fight scene with Agent Smith (Smith's)...by the third one all the elements of surprise were gone, but I thought it was actually visually better due to the special effects. I especially liked the attack scene where they were trying to save the dock. The fighting machines (I think they were called the cpu's) were awesome. While I don't fully understand the concept of "The Matrix" I still find the triology more or less enjoyable.
Nov 23, 2003
Tons of special effects which makes the movie worthwhile to see on the big screen. Ending is anti-climatic and you wonder: When is Matrix IV coming out.
Nov 23, 2003
Without question, in as few words as possible, this movie is missing something major. Something which Matrix #1 had in abundance.

I am of the opinion that, had this trilogy been less complex, less philisophical and written and fleshed out on screen with only a few core dynamics touched upon and developed, it would have been flawless, the best sci-fi movies in recent history. I just don't believe that the kind of philisophical depths that the movies attemted to plunge into can be successful on film. I think Blade Runner set the bar as far as touching, high quality, philisophical science fiction movies go.

Had The Matrix stayed within these parameters it would have left my favorite science fiction movie (Blade Runner) in the dust.
Dec 6, 2003
Jan 25, 2004
Maybe not as good as the first one, but it concludes the story. Great special effects (which are worth seeing on the big screen).

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