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The Dark Knight
Academy Award® Winner
The sequel to "Batman Begins" which has Batman teaming up with Lt. Gordon and the newly appointed District Attorney Harvey Dent to investigate a vicious killer with a sense of humor, named "The...  View more >

Starring Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Michael Caine...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jul 18, 2008
A feeling of remorse and deep tragedy swept over me as I left the theater. I had been waiting for this movie since well...Batman Begins. Looking for new footage, new early reviews, and all other information that would feed my Batman hunger. But nothing prepared me for this new film. I never thought a comic book movie could be so tragic.

The movie has a different feel than its predecessor. Comparing this film to Spiderman or The Incredible Hulk just doesn't seem right. The Dark Knight almost fits into its own genre of comic-book fantasy. I felt so well-connected to the main characters that it was almost TOO TRAGIC during a certain scene. In most movies (and I'm not simply talking about superhero flicks) there is a certain formula that must be followed. The Dark Knight brings you to the nitty gritty of the villains (I'll get to the joker in a minute), taking you down into the catacombs of dispare without showing a bright shining light at the end.

If you're looking for a feel good, family friendly blockbuster do not turn to the dark knight. A brilliant performance by the late Heath Ledger casts a gloomy, sadistic, but motivational spell throughout the film. But there is something missing in this new batman, and that is a sense of "home," a sense of comfort that is never concluded. The audience didn't have the cave to cling to, a mansion to put their feet up, or even familiar characteristics that would be expected by "the white knight." We were left to struggle in the darkness just like Batman, which may throw some people off or make them feel uncomfortable. But at this point, Batman is not comfortable. He is in a struggle- on a quest to figure out his place as a model citizen (despite what others may think). The decisions he makes now affect the ones he cares about. But "the dawn is coming."

While the audience is left in the dark, we can only hope for the light in chapter three. Go see "The Dark Knight," but don't expect the usual, or for that matter, a traditional format of superhero genre.
Jul 18, 2008
Jul 19, 2008
Very well done, the Joker will never be replaced by anyone else.
Jul 19, 2008
Best Batman Movie ever made thus far!
Jul 21, 2008
Just awesome, but the rated "R" version would have been even better!
Jul 22, 2008
"The Best Movie of the Summer, and it's a sequel," wrote the late film critic Gene Siskel. the film he'd talked about? Well it came out it 1990 and it's called "Die Hard 2." I'm using that same quote from him to describe what I love about "The Dark Knight." it's a sequel and it's the best summer movie. No arugment there. Not only it's the best movie of the year so far, but the best superhero movie peroid. "the Dark Knight" is powerful and well made. the film reflect the power of darkness, not only on the villain the Joker, but on Batman himself. In this movie, no one escapes guilt free. Heath Ledger's take on the Joker is quite different than the Jokers that were protrayed in the past. His joker comes across as a insame man with a terrible past. He didn't fall into a white stuff to become the Joker, but his home life had made him the Joker he is. "Let's put a smile on your face!" is one of my favorite lines from the Joker. I think this is Ledger's best work. there is also talk of a supporting Oscar nomination for Ledger, but I must remind you on two things, 1) 2008 is half over and there will be plenty of good supporting performers that will reval Ledger by the time December comes around. 2) Many Oscar voters may not honor a dead man. The last time the Academy honor a fallen actor was Massimo Troisi for "The Postman (Il Postino)" in 1995. But I believe that Ledger will be nominated. But Ledger isn't the only person in the movie that should be talked about. The rest of the cast are just as good. Christain Bale is terific as Batman. Michael Caine is great as his bulter. Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman are all terrific. Aaron Eckhart is great as Harvey Dent, who becomes Two-Face later in the movie. And Maggie Gyllenhaal who may have outshine the rest. I love this movie. this movie is not only for Batman fans, but people who have never saw any of the Batman movies, will love the film too.
Jul 23, 2008
Jul 23, 2008
There isn't enough words to tell you how amazing this movie was. Make sure to go see it while it is in theaters. Heath Ledger could not have done a better job, no one will ever be able to match what he did (Rest in Peace Heath). I missed Katie Holmes a, but Maggie Gyllenhaal did an excellent job. I also believe that Christian Bale is the best Batman there will ever be. If you haven't yet, get out there and see it!
Jul 23, 2008
Jul 24, 2008
It is all you can ask for see it now or later but see it.
Artie R
Jul 24, 2008
Jul 26, 2008
Jul 26, 2008
Well when I saw Spider-Man 3 I thought that that was going to be the best Super Hero Movie ever.

Then i saw The Dark Knight

Now the bar has been rasied way way to high!

And you know when you watch an action movie and at some parts there are things you wished the hero or heroin would have done better

Well when u watch this movie you will find nothing wrong with it

See it right away!
Jul 27, 2008
Brilliantly haunting. Truely captures the essence of the graphic novels & why we love these characters to begin with. Fantastic superhero movie/ or movie period. Heath gives an inspired performance and everyone else brings their usual best. A must see!
Jul 31, 2008
Aug 5, 2008
Good story..lil slow.
Very good acting on kieths part...
def a see on big screen.
Aug 5, 2008
awsome lots of action and very cool acting .dark night is a must see
Aug 9, 2008
Aug 23, 2008
Acting was great and the motentum of the movie just kept getting better. I see a sequel? NOW of course.
Aug 25, 2008
Sep 17, 2008
Sep 19, 2008
An incredible movie that surpasses its predecessor!

That's pretty much how I feel about The Dark Knight. I really enjoyed Batman Begins, and I was looking forward to seeing the next part of the rebooted storyline.

Director Christopher Nolan should be congratulated for taking a series that was run into the ground and restarting it from scratch to become better than the original ever was. Back then, everyone commented about how dark Tim Burton's Batman was, but that caped crusader was a caricature compared to what has been brought to the screen in the two new movies!

Performances are great. Christian Bale still does a poor job of sounding menacing, but the rest of his performance is great. Heath Ledger's Joker was downright scary, and you never knew quite where things were going. I thought that replacing Katie Holmes as Rachel would be difficult to sell, but Maggie Gyllenhaal made the part her own and erased any doubt as to which performance was better. Aaron Eckhart's Harvey Dent was also very good, as was Gary Oldman's return as Lt. Gordon. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman round out the excellent cast of supporting characters.

I am certain that there are more layers to this movie than can be enjoyed in a single sitting. There is talk of re-releasing the movie later this year, so if you haven't seen it yet (and it's still not playing in your local theaters, which it may be, as it was still #7 in the box office and in almost 2,200 theaters), definitely check it out! If you have seen it, but haven't seen it in an IMAX theater, that version does provide some very stunning photography that is integrated very well into the movie. (I'll write a separate review covering those issues)

Last but not least, the soundtrack to this movie is amazing! It is a character in and of itself. Composers Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard collaborated on the score and the result is fantastic. Words cannot describe the effect that their music has on the movie. I have listened to the score many times since seeing the movie, and as a standalone composition it is a wonder to behold. I would love to be able to watch the movie with just the score playing!
Sep 19, 2008
As I mentioned in my review of the non-IMAX version of the movie, this movie is definitely a See Now!

Adding to that is the IMAX version, which integrates sequences that were shot on IMAX film, taking advantage of the higher resolution of the IMAX film frame, creating stunning shots! The aspect ratios of the 35mm frame and the IMAX frame are different, so during the IMAX sequences, the letterbox effect on IMAX screens is removed, showing a full screen of scenes like an overhead view of Batman at the top of a building surveying the city below. This is just like all those sweeping IMAX documentary shots that make you go wow at the museums, except that it's in a feature-length motion picture!

The transitions between the IMAX and 35mm sequences are done well, so you don't have a jarring move from one to the other. Kudos to the filmmakers for creating a great movie-watching experience!

IMAX theaters are known for their sound-handling capabilities, and this movie definitely takes full advantage of that. Sound comes from everywhere, and the excellent score is always there taking you from one scene to the next, keeping up the intensity when appropriate and letting you take a short breath before the movie ramps it up a couple of notches again.

If you've seen the non-IMAX version, the IMAX version is definitely worth checking out! IMAX DMR movies are just blown up copies of 35mm that never really impressed me, but the fact that there is real IMAX footage in this movie and that the sound screams for speakers that can handle it, this movie justifies the extra cost that IMAX theaters charge!
Sep 22, 2008
Definitely a MUST SEE! The ONLY disappointing part of the movie is the changing of an actress (must see to find out who). Still just as good!
Sep 28, 2008
Dec 18, 2008
Jan 2, 2009
The Best Batman Movie EVER. The Best Movie of 2008. Heath Ledger got an AA Nominee Award for his performance as the Joker. Got 2 c it. Out of 10, 10
Jan 19, 2009
great movie!
May 8, 2010
Jul 19, 2012

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