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Bella Swan has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother remarries and sends Bella to live with her father in...  View more >

Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Oct 17, 2008
Nov 10, 2008
Nov 17, 2008
Nov 21, 2008
Well I am sure what I am about to type will not be a welcome review to any of the tens of millions of "Twilight" fans. I admit, I was not a huge fan of the books, but I did manage to muddle my way through them and then was asked to go to the first showing of Twilight in my area, a 12:01am show.

Now granted, I am no spring chicken, but I do routinely stay up late and figured it would be no problem while watching a movie normally played at 200 decibels of glorious surround sound, but I found myself battling to keep my eyes open, and I was not the only one. I heard numerous people comment that they had struggled to stay awake as well. Sorry folks, especially the minions of teens destined to see this movie, but it was boring. What you have seen in the trailers on tv is all of the action you will see on the big screen.

As for the content as compared to the book, of course the book wins with its rich detail and I went in expecting that there was no way a 2-hour movie could come near living up to that. What I did not expect was just how much had been cut out, things that would have taken a few seconds to show, in favor of showing the ever-brooding Bella (an actress who displayed exactly two facial expressions throughout the entire movie, 95% what I will call lost with mouth agape, 5% look at me trying to convince you I am in pain face) and Edward exchanging furtive glances. Add some more boring points for that alone. We saw very little of Edward's family and their personality traits and quirks, little to nothing of any development of a relationship between Bella and Jacob, but we saw more than anyone should ever have to see of teenage anguish.

And yes, I was once a teenager, even an anguish-filled teenager back in the day, but there was something more here...it was as if every actor read the book and tried to play the part so big that each became a characiture of the role they were playing.

If people weren't snoozing in the theater, they were laughing at what was becoming more and more of a joke as each m
Nov 22, 2008
Its OOber good
Nov 22, 2008
Nov 22, 2008
Being a 13 year old girl who loves to read I have read all the books and was very excited when I found out a movie was coming out. Though when I thought about it I figured no movie could every live up to Stepheni Myers wonderful books. The movie was no exception. Many things made it almost impossible to only listen to the story line, Robert Pattinson, who plays the dreamy Edward Cullen a born and raised American has a British accent that drifts randomly in and out of conversation and in many cases made it hard to understand. Also, Kristen Stewart's coldness to everything and everyone is also very distracting. It seems as though nothing fases her even the slightest and like everything isn't good enough for her. When Bella in the book is very innocent and modest.

The story is very confusing to people who have not read the books. The characters aren't properly introduced so you are left not knowing who is who and what they are doing. You also have no idea what people are feeling the way the are, such as why Rosalie dislikes Bella is never really fully explain. Nor is where Edward's, Carlisle's or Alice's history and past every told.
Nov 23, 2008
This movie was a total disappointment. Why do screenwriters and directors think that they can improve upon a book that is so beloved. STICK TO THE BOOK!!!!!

Edward stared ridiculously. Jacob was hideously ugly. Bella couldn't stick to the lines from the book. Why were all of the highschool kids soo obnoxious? Why ruin the meadow scene? Acting was horrible. No chemistry between Edward and Bella. It was a choppy disjointed horrible movie - you would be happier reading the book again :)

The movie sucked but I still love Edward.
Nov 23, 2008
Nov 23, 2008
ok, well 1st off don't listen to anybody's opions about the movie because everyone has different opions. so don't listen to anybody and go see this movie and find out for yousef and YOU can be da judge to see if you thought it was good or not.

yes, i know they change alot of stuff in the movie and most of it never happend BUT it wasnt a BAD change. i went to the midnight showing and was dead tired but as soon as the movie can on i was wide awake!!! so if you a Twilight fan and havent seen the movie dont listen to what everyone says about it. GO SEE IT FOR YOUSELF!!
Nov 25, 2008
This movie like the books was awsome.
Nov 26, 2008
Nov 28, 2008
Nov 28, 2008
Dec 3, 2008
First let me start by saying that is movie is based off a book, it is not meant to be read line by line. Overall I think it was a pretty decent movie, I do think they could have done some things differently, but I also know that IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE THE BOOK!

Please, if you are considering seeing this movie, go in with an open mind, don't expect it to be the book and just sit back and enjoy it.

Just saw it for the second time and I loved it even more than the first time. I can't wait for New Moon to begin production...
Dec 5, 2008
LOVED this movie...then read the book and watched it again...it was great!
Dec 11, 2008
I'm not a teenager so I guess that after sitting though the "Twlight" I had a mix feeling about the movie. I love the appeal of Kristin stewart and I got a good feeling that she may have a future in movies.I like the female vampires, they're very sexy. but that's all I like. But the movie is slow and a bit of a bore. This is like watching a episode of "90210" with vampires. Pobert Pattinson reminds me of James Dean. I like to see him do more with his character then look neat. The villiains are good, but they need to be more scary. They're planning a sequel and they're already replacing the director. so I hope that the sequel will be a little better. I'm not giving up on the series, let's hope the series will be better.
Dec 29, 2008
I am amaized by all this good reviews these people gave to this " movie''. I am so sorry, but for my 22 years I've seen alot of crappy low budget projects that were offered to the audience as movies.

But seriously, and I want you to believe me about this, I've never seen something so poor on plot, on idea, on life, on any kind of elements!!! I am asking my self who approved this project to be shot, who gave money for this to be shot, who are the people that brang this disinspiration to the big screen. Who was the one that wrote the scenario who was the producer that liked it. But the saddest part is that over here I see only positive and even excellent reviews. Whoever created this misery that some of you dare to call a move, are ruining the image, the idea and the purpose of the cinema. Please hide yourself and release us(the cinema lovers) from your presence in the cinema world. "Movie creators' like you are ruining the movie magick
Dec 29, 2008
Jan 2, 2009
this is an AWESOME movie!!!!!! and duh the movie isn't going to be JUST like the book.you cant remake and find the feeling in the book and put it in the movie! u cant also put every minute in the movie that happened in the book!!!!!!!! and if you love to watch a hot guy showing his body and his love then go see rob pattinson!!awwww! and people say that his british came out a little in the movie.Absolutly NOT!! if u look for it very hard u r goin to imagine a little british. if u have seen "House" he is british and do u hear his british. i dont so stop kidding urself.EVERYONE has different opions so go see the movie for YOURSELF and YOU be the judge. but just to warn u it will be AWESOME!!!!!!!
Jan 3, 2009
Feb 17, 2009
Mar 11, 2009
Apr 16, 2009
Oct 14, 2009

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