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Addicted to Love
A romantic comedy about two people who simply cannot get over the loss of their respective lovers. When they discover that the mates who have abandoned them are now blissfully snuggled up together,...  View more >

Starring Meg Ryan, Matthew Broderick, Kelly Preston...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jan 25, 2000
First of all...I really liked it! Only in the late 90's can you create a movie about two stalkers who have such audience appeal that you are hoping they both succeed in the end. Matthew Broderick and Meg Ryan are excellent as jilted lovers who through a strange twist of fate come together to literally "stalk" their former partners.

Now this film is not a "how to" movie, but if you wanted to be a funny stalker, then check out some of the things that these two pulled off in an attempt to get even. Now I didn't look too closely at the credits to see if the screenplay was written by a former member of President Richard Nixon's 72' campaign, but the "dirty tricks" they pull off would even impress him. I won't give you any more details except to say that I loved the park encounter scene with Tcheky Karyo and his follow-up explanation to Kelly Preston...one of the funniest scenes you will ever see.

If you are wondering how do you keep a movie like this going for two hours...well don't worry, they do it and you are glad they did. It is definitely one of the funnier films this year....and in a weird sort of way provides all those persons who have ever been jilted unfairly...a fair way of getting even. Bottom line....go for it...you won't "stalk" out of this one disappointed.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
As a huge Meg Ryan fan, she did a good job portraying her Psycho Character with no life what-so-ever. It was a very different character for her. Who in their right mind would spend so much time and energy spying on some - What Losers!

Don't waste your time at the theaters - This is a rainy summer night renter.

May 5, 2003
\"Addicted to Love\" is a romantic comedy with a twist. Meg Ryan who usually plays sweet and warm characters, shows up clad in leather and a edgy attitude. She plots with Matthrew Broaderick against the people who betrayed their love. Might as well face it, I addicted to both the film and the perforamnce from Meg Ryan.

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