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I Know What You Did Last Summer
Four friends have kept the secret about what happened during summer break, but their secret has come back to haunt them.

Starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe...  View more >

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[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
"I Know What You Did Last Summer" was really scary! Not as scary as "Scream", but it ranks right up there. Excellent peroformances from all of the actors!

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I Know What You Did Last Summer was an alright movie. I was expecting a lot more hair-raising scenes, since the media gave it a lot more credit than deserved. I think if you are expecting a thriller like Scream you might be disappointed.

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I Know What You Did Last Summer was a completely awful piece of crap. It could have been called Friday the 13th part 20. Every scene that is supposed to be scary is foreshadowed and there is no humor like there was in Scream. This isn't even worth a rental, because if you have seen a slasher movie, then there is absolutely no reason to waste your money on this. Go see The Devil's Advocate instead if you want to be scared.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I saw "I Know ...." saturday and I found it to be very entertaining. Strong soundtrack and strong cast of young stars is always needed in this type of film. Jennifer Love Hewitt is great as Julie, a young high school grad on her way to college. Her and her friends futures seem great until they hit someone with their car killing it. In a panic they dump the body in the ocean and make a pact to never tell the secret. 1 year later strange things start happening. People are being murdered and the kids wonder if it could be a "joke" or a "psycho-pathic maniac in a fisherman suit." At times seems like a formula film but the performances and the thrills kept me entertained. 4 out of 4.

Jan 25, 2000
First of all...I liked it. Now I was one of those people who went into this movie thinking it was the continuation of "Scream", which it isn't, but it is of the same genre. Let's get the basic premise going....small town, summer, just after high school graduation, and a group of friends get together for some late night fun and end up killing a person. Then for some reason, they tend to drift apart as friends and their lives go their separate ways. That is until the following summer. Out of the blue, someone knows "what they did last summer" and they join forces to find out who it is. Everyone is accused and the audience is left pondering ‘who really is doing it?' This new screen killer is like the silent cousin of Jason and Freddy. You will jump, you will scream (or at least someone near you will) and you will laugh...it does have a funny twist to it also. Bottom line....this is a really good film, but I hope they don't go making a whole series of sequels....I Know What You Did Last Winter...Christmas....Spring....Thanksgiving....Easter.....President's Day......Ground Hog Day...you get the picture!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
It was really great. I would recommed that you see it right away. If you're into Horror movies then this is the one to see.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was awesome and nothing but screams! There wasn't a moment that I wasn't on the edge of my seat. The actresses did a wonderful job. The plot was very good and unusual. There were a lot of unnexpected scenes and all of them caught me offguard. At some points it was predictable but even when you knew exactly what was going to happen, when it did, you jumped. See it now, don't miss out on seeing it on a big screen!

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie wasn't what I had hoped it would be. It was a slow to start movie and it never really grabbed you like Scream did. My advice is to wait until it is in the budget movies or on video.

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Well of all these reviews, Paul is the only one who seems to have watched the same show I did. There was not one thing even remotly scary about this movie I can't believe it's been in the theatres as long as it has. If you want to see a good horror flick, watch Dr. Jackyl and Mr. Hyde before watching this poor excuse for a movie. I wouldn't want my worst enemy wasting time or money watching this show. For all you fans of 'Scream' don't waist your time with this one. Big Thumbs Down!

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was so not scary. That is all I have to say.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I would reccomend it to anyone especially scary movie or "Scream" fanatics. Also, for the guys....very good dating movie. My date basically had her eyes closed through most of the movie and unfortunately for me, I even got a little blood drawn from my hand. I really enjoyed "Scream" but I thought this was a little more scary, and I thought it had a better plot. You are jumping out of your seat until you leave the theater.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
The beginning of the movie was good, but very unoriginal. The middle totally sucked. It got boring and I kept looking at my watch. It was very predictable. I would rather have watched grass grow. However, the ending was great and surprising, which made up for how bad the middle sucked.

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Man, Give me a break. I know What You Did Last Summer is a big rip off of Scream. I like Scream better more than this Trash.


[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I found it hard to rate this movie. On one hand it's kind of fun too watch with a large audience and it does have a few quick jumps, but when it comes out on video it will suck. It's the kind of movie scream poked fun at and is very predictable, there was no suspense at all everything was so predictable, you knew when someone was about to die. They would have ominous music and the killer perspective camera. Overall wait for Scream 2.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Ok. I know what you did last summer is not really a good film, but for its genre it's in. As a horror movie it succeeds in scaring you. The actors are all appropriate for their roles and many good performances are given, most notably by Anne Heche and Jennifer Love Hewitt. The beginning of this this movie drags a little bit but quickly picks up. While not as sly and satirical as Scream, Williamson manages to work in some jokes while not forgetting the point of the movie, which is to scare the crap out of you. Actually this movie is worth going to see just for the suspensefull, well directed opening shot of the ocean shore, it is excellent. But if your expecting another Scream, then I wouldn't recommend this film for you, but if you're up for a good scare see I know what you did last summer.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie, pretty much, is a way to rip off teens of their money. They knew they could get a large teen following no matter how good the movie was. Too bad they let the audience know real early in the movie who the killer was. That spoiled the whole thing. Questionable acting all the way thru. The plot was not realistic, either. It wasn't so poorly done to totally avoid. Its one of those movies to spend $1.99 to rent when its raining out and there's nothing to do. **1/2 out of *****.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Hmmmm, I was checking out the current films, and I forgot that I did see this movie, and didn't review it. Well this is my review. I went to this movie expecting a big scarefest like "Scream" and it was a great appetizer before Scream 2. Well, I wasn't disappointed, but I wasn't frightened beyond my wits, nevertheless it was a fun campy, teen horror flick with brains. I can't say I regret going to it, but it was like reading a Fear Street novel (remember those?) well go see it, you might not regret it :).

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Kevin Williamson (writer of ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’) is the best thing to happen to horror movies in quite a long time. Although, not quite as good as ‘Scream’, this film is still far superior to any other horror film in recent memory. Even the title is refreshing, as it doesn’t contain "Blood", "Death", "Horror", or "Part VI". The plot is possibly a little bit too contrived, but for a horror movie this is forgivable. ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ is a must see for horror fans.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
More Screams from the writer of Scream, but not as quite as good as you'd expect. **3/4 out of ****

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
since this movie is now out on Video where I live, you can rent it and get the same thrill out of it that I did. The story line is simple enough...A group of 4 teens accidentally murder, or supposivly murder someone and that someone comes back to kill them. Unfortunately, as you all know from scary movies, the usual half the original cast actually survive. Throughout the movie, we get the screaming, the surprises, the rather nicely done blood effects, and everything you come to expect from this kind of movie, and yes, a brief love scene near the beggining. I recommend you see this film before the sequal comes out...which there is, entitled "I Still Know What you Did Last Summer" Oh, take a friend with you...you may want someone to "hook" on to!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie scared the poop out of me. Great date movie. I was scared almost the whole time. The beginning is kind of slow, but don't worry, it really picks up. I took four 12 yr/olds and they were shaking in their Nikes. I recommend this for anyone who enjoys mystery/horror/suspense books or movies. Very good. Two thumbs WAY up there!!

May 6, 2003
\"I Know What You did Last Summer,\" is a lame horror film which comes after the success of \"Scream.\" The film stars Jennifer Love Hewitt and Sarah Michelle Geller as a group of teens who run down a man by accident, throw him into a bay and comes back armed with a hook. This movie is more funny than scary. But there\'s nothing funny about bad horror films like \"I Know.\" I know, I been though these type of films before.

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