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The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Four years since the disaster at Jurassic Park, two groups are in a race against time that will determine the fate of the remote island's prehistoric inhabitants.

Starring Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I think that your personal opinion to this sequel entirely depends on what you liked about the first movie. If you liked the special effects anddino munching from the first movie (like me) you'll really like the second one. There aren't many movies out there with good special effects like this one.

The thing about the first one is that it captured some magic, something about the entire idea of bringing back dino's! I can't remember where I heard it but some reviewer said that the reason the second one didn't do so well is that it wasn't new. The first movie really blew away the audience. The second movie was sorta "Been there, done that". We have already seen the dino's and know what they do. It's not new. It's just another movie with a lot more dino's.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Better than expected. Mostly a showcase for the dinosoars not "created" in the first film,"Jurassic Park". Interesting how this sequel was about savingthe dinosoars from hunters as opposed to "JP's" dinosoars hunting people.

The first film also had a more "you want to believe" feeling to it. When "Lost World" turned into "Godzilla Lost in America", it became a little hokeyand campy. However,I think Speilberg was intentionaly poking fun at his film, too.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie rules!!!! Dinosaurs look more real like. You will think you are back in time. This movie makes the first one the worst movie of the year!


[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie is the best movie I have seen in a while. It is not as good as the first one but I would recommend it to anyone who has not seen it. Heck I would recommend it to someone who has already seen it.

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I may spout volumes about a movie that is good, but there will be no spouting here.

Don't get me wrong, all the (See me now!s) above prove that you possibly won't agree with me. In fact, if all you want in a movie are great special effects, a speck of a plot, and familiar characters, you've got it. And if you enjoy senseless (and I mean SENSELESS) gore, you've got it. In other words, if you see movies to be entertained, go ahead and pay.

On the other hand, if you enjoy movies for a good plot, solid acting, and believability, you've come to the wrong place. My rating makes that very clear. The first Jurassic Park at least attempted a plot, but The Lost World strikes me as pure advertisement. If sugar is entertainment and bread is plot, then a good movie is a light spreading of jam on toast. The Lost World is a Pixie Stick.

I wouldn't wish this movie on my worst enemy's brat children. And I mean that. Really, even if you want to see this film, DO NOT BRING THE CHILDREN. You will see less blood in Predator, Commando, and The Silence of The Lambs -combined-.

See Contact, feed your brain.

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
The book is better! The filmakers royally ruined the story line... It just plain stinks!

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
If you saw the first Jurrasic Park you've seen this one...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......oh sorry, just thinking about this movie makes me sleepy.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Overall, the sequel to "Jurassic Park" is a good movie. Just not great. It does not live up to it's hype nor it's predecessor.

As for the characters, I am glad that they kept Jeff Goldblum's Ian Malcolm and put in a new heroine, Julianne Moore, who I think was much better than Laura Dern in some ways... There weren't too many unlikable characters, excpet for Pete Posthelwaite's character.

As for plot, The beginning sets a good scene. The middle gets the action going, which I admit was even more action packed than the first, but the end was mindless, but you may judge that for yourself.

While I wouldn't encourage seeing it over and over again it is worth seeing at least once and is worthy of rental...

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Crap. Pure, utter crap. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. My expectations were so high. I had loved the first one so much... and then THIS???? What is this??? I can't believe the call this a movie! My dog could make a better movie than this!!! Stupidly, I went again for a second time to make absolute sure it was bad. I hated it worse the second time. It was bad. Just plain bad.

No plot. No characters. No feeling. No suspense. No scares. No anything. It was nothing.

No stars

Percentage: 14%

Grade: F

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was pretty good with suspence. It was all good up until the t-rex got into the city then after that it was pretty corny. But the actors were pretty good. Once the dino ate one person though it was the same for all the others! It has nothing to do with the 1ast one with the shaving cream can full of dino dna- the dinos were just already there without any help from humans. Go see this movie if you like suspence.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
The dinosaurs in this movie are more realistic than in Jurassic Park. If you can look past some of the lame acting and dialog, its a pretty good movie. Of course anyone who goes to this movie should go strictly because of the special effects......not much else.

*** out of *****.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Well I thought number 1 was better, the 2nd one sucked

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I expected a lot out of The Lost World:Jurassic Park, and it delivered. I know people are saying that Steven Spielberg's dinosaurs were the only plus sign of the movie, that his attempt at a sequel to the highest-grossing film of all time(Jurassic Park,of course)failed miserably---I completely disagree. First of all, the dinosaurs were amazing, especially the 'compys', the stegasaurus, and of course, who can forget the T-rex(There's not just one of them in this one though). There was alot more dinos, different dinos, and scarier dinos in this one. The plot DID sorta jump from one thing to another, but that's what kept my attention and kept it fast-paced. All in all, the plot was good. The acting was excellent too, with Jeff Goldblum returning as Dr. Ian Malcolm, Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn, and Richard Attenborough. The whole movie was great! But it was also more graphic & gorier than Jurassic Park, what with the dinosaurs running around eating and trampling everything in sight. It had a lot more thrills, it was scarier, and definitely had a lot of suprises. I went and saw this movie 3 times and still got scared and jumped in my seat. There was a couple scenes where the whole theatre was screaming! Although I wouldn't recommend that younger audiences see this movie, it is still excellent and the 2nd best movie I saw this summer, My Best Friend's Wedding being the 1st of course. My rating for the lost world: 9.5 out of 10.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I think that Steven Spielberg's "The Lost World" was too under-rated. I really enjoyed this movie. It made me jump (scream, actually) and I laughed, although some of Jeff Goldblum's sarcastic little lines were a bit too contrived. Steven Spielberg is a genius. David Koepp, the screenwriter, could have done a little better. The ending in San Francisco, while entertaining, just doesn't fit well with the natural, wild feel of the rest of the movie, and it doesn't feel like Steven Spielberg really liked it, either. The San Francisco scenes seem very by-the-numbers, with less imagination than in the other scenes on the island, like the scene in the trailers that leaves the audience breathless. The plot is simple. There is a second, secret island where the dinosaurs were bred and are now thriving on, and some people go there, one group to study, one to trap and display in a new park in San Francisco. Both groups face the wrath of nature, as dinos attack left and right, protecting their territories and relieving their hunger. Some critics picked on things like the trailer scene, saying that there is no point for it to be in the film, that it doesn't advance the plot along. For one thing, that scene was in Michael Crichton's novel, "The Lost World." Also, the trailer scene does help illustrate the behavior of the tyrannosaurus rex in its natural habitat, how it defends itself, what it will do to protect its young. A lot of critics said the plot was terrible. I'd like them to think up a brilliant plot AND keep enough action scenes in the film to ensure that is entertaining. This movie has been ripped on too much. It is a lot of fun. It is escapism at its finest. It's not every day we get to see dinosaurs, whether attacking people on an island OR in a big city. Steven Spielberg is brilliant, and his imagination continues to show in this film. Definitely to be seen on the big screen, although it makes its home video debut on November 4th.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
A rip roaring adventure classic that once it gets going, never lets up. Steven Speilberg's blockbuster sequel to the blockbuster original "Jurassic Park" is everything you could want in a sequel. The opening scene is truly tense and after we are introduced again to Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), we are taken away to another island where even more dinosaurs are kept. Once Malcolm arrives with various other people and they come into contact with the dinosaurs, the film really moves into high gear. The literally "cliffhanging" scene outdoes the first films setpiece and from then on the film is a series of mind blowing chases and brilliant special effects. The Lost World has a better than averagescript by David Koepp and marvellous music by John Williams. Goldblum is fine as Malcolm assisted by a good supporting cast, including Julianne Moore as his girlfriend. The Lost World may be short on credibility but in terms of excitment, thrills and chills, it delivers the goods better than any other film in the ninties. ***** out of *****.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This is the Third Best movie I've ever seen next to Jurassic Park and the Color Purple. I was one of the first people to see "The Lost Word" and it was one great movie. I almost Jump out my seat when Kelly and Moore was tryingto sneak out of the building then the raptor jumped in, everyone scream and jump at the same time, I was so cool. I can care less about the plot because I went to see my raptors who should have killed those two annoying kids in the from the original. Kelly was great in her role though, even though she had no time.

But overall, I have to give it a rating of 101 out of 100. Great movie everyone. I just bought the "Lost World" on video and I just cant stop watching it with my 300 watt stereo on. I was sad in a kind of way over the fact that there wasn't a lot of killing and also that Jullian Moore wasn't eaten but the T-Rex because she's so annoying.

Jul 21, 2003
The sequel could never hold up to the original, so no one should be surprised that this one doesn't.

Still worth seeing, though.
Nov 18, 2003
\"The Lost World:Jurassic Park\" is the sequel to the much better 1993 film. But sadly Julianne Moore isn\'t as sexy as Laura Dern, but a least we get an adventure out of this film. Jeff Goldblue returned from the first first as he led a group of explorers back to the park, when it was invaded by poarchers. A new breed of dinosaur is introduced. It\'s a small version of the raptor, but they travel in packs and are just as deadly. the climax of the film involving the T-Rex run rampant though the street of Sam Diego. Steven Spielberg is back as director as well as the music score by John Williams. I love that music score. \"The Lost World:Jurassic Park\" isn\'t as good as the first film, but the fun is still there.
Jul 31, 2011

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