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The Matrix
Academy Award® Winner
Computer hacker Keanu Reeves discovers that all life on Earth may be nothing more than an elaborate creation of an evil intelligence. He joins forces with others to conquer this force, called the...  View more >

Starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss...  View more >

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[--- See Now! ---] [--- Good ---] [--- Wait for Rental ---] [--- Stay Away! ---]

Reviews Summary

Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
After seeing the trailer for this film I thought it would be an excellent movie and, now that I've seen it, I am happy to say that I the movie was much better than I ever thought it would be. This movie had unbelieveable special effects and action sequences in addition to an original story. I'm looking forward to seeing it again soon.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie is INFINITE! The action is huge with some sequences comparable to John Wu on mescaline. The acting, although pretty good won't win any OSCARS, but who gives a crud. Oscars are for wussies and freaks. About the only bad thing I can say about the movie is that the soundtrack, although popping, isn't quite loud enough. I suggest taking 200-500mg of caffeine, watching this movie and yelling KILL KILL KILL KILLKILLKILL as loud as you can. It's simply that good. After the movie, if you have guns, shoot them. In short, if you thought "Shakespere in Love" sucked because it was boring and LACKED full-chested, leather-clad women shooting the police, you will certainly enjoy this movie.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I thought this movie was very well done. A little corny at times but well worth the time. Great FX, great ideas.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
So what do I have to say, i will base my review much on the story which made us think more than the obviously greatly delivered action with slowmotions when we want them. This movie makes us think back about philosophical themes such as who are you and why do you exist. So do i suggest a kid going? yes, he won't think much but he'll enjoy the action, the guns, lot of guns. So what's the matrix? i won't tell you, you know, even though anyone could come out and tell everyone, they won't because this movie somehow forces us to give respect to it because he deserve respect and all you can give back is by keeping quiet about what it is. The cinematography is great as you could see in the commercials, commercials don't lie for this rather bigger than expected movie, a commercial cannot explain anything but images from the movie. And responding to the first review for this movie, i would say, the movie is well casted, very well casted because i felt the beat as my friends did while watching the action scenes. The colours and music were very well used too because it well showed the atmospheres: fear, strength, domination...

We could very well see that it was from a comic book, not many directors manage to do a good job out of comic books, most of them did like batman and spawn, showing only the action and cool one liners, negliging the story containing the whole sense of the story, the meaning. At some point, we could feel how great it would have been to be in the story because we are hypnotized by it, we feel in the movie, we feel the pain they feel, we feel the joy they feel and we feel the frustration they feel. your comments to akaspeak@hotmail.com

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Failed to live up to its' own potential.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This might be the best movie I've ever seen! While it's probably not going to get any Oscar attention, it's truely a remarkable storyline. The effects are dazzling as well but it's the plot that'll suck you in. Some people obviously won't "get" this film. They'll see it as just another action flick, but it's much, much more. I think if you're at all technically inclined, or work in the computer industry this movie speaks volumes to you.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Not since Arnold was in his prime have I seen carnage so cool that it brought a tear to my eye. Hot chicks in leather and sweet CGI graphics! This movie has it all. Leave the wife/girlfriend at home on this one, it is a "guy" movie. Only one complaint. Reeves is to much a clean Hollywood star and too dumb for the lead. Matrix would have been a 10 had it used a more cold, but intelligent lead. Even so, a MUST SEE if you enjoy movies like Predator, Terminator, Alien.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Do yourself a favor and just go and see it....especially if you have some intelligence and can follow a script with more depth than most of the crap out there...

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This Movie Kicked major A**! The special effects rocked and the action scenes were some of the best I have ever seen. The acting was pretty good, but the story line is what carries the movie. It is very original, and creative. See this movie twice, and then buy the DVD so you can enjoy the kick a** sound and special effects in your own home....

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Without a doubt the coolest movie of all time. The special effects fill the screen and marilyn mansons: rock is dead is awesome. This movie has some of the best choereagraphed fight scenes ever made. SEE IT NOW

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
My wife and I just got back from the theater. The Matrix is awesome! Both my wife and I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up. Very well done. Its exciting and action packed. The science fiction is great. The special effects are incredible. See this movie in a theater with digital sound, the music and sound effects will blow you away.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
"Whoa!" was the word I said about fifty times during this movie. Excellent movie. I thought it looked kinda cheezy when I saw the commercials but it turned out to be great! It has a really original awesome storyline, great special effects, plot twists, irony, everything you'd ever want in a movie minus the nudity. Plus it includes a lot of that new camera effect. Ya know, the one where it freezes the frame and the camera spins around the scene. Anyways, go see this movie! Now! I command you! You will not be disapointed!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
When I went to this movie, I really didn't expect to see what I saw. I thought that this movie would be a ho-hum science-fiction thriller. Was I wrong. The storyline is excellent, supported by great performances by Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, and former model Carrie-Anne Moss. Also another element that supported this wonderful cast was the graphics and sound. You have to view this movie in the theatre to fully experience it's true greatness. The booming of the helicopters and the sounds of the guns blew me away. The graphics are awesome which include the stop, then circle around the person, then resume feature as many have seen in the gap ads on tv. This is clearly one of the best movies I've seen in the theatre in a long time. Do yourself a favor and go see what the Matrix is.

My Rating: ***** (5) out of **** (4)

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I expected a little more surrealism after seeing the trailers but the special effects are good enough that the tv ads don't detract. The plot is twisted enough to entertain and the acting is good. The head bad guy is played very well. Although it probably will never come close to selling like ID4, the movie is much better. Darker, edgier, and more action packed then any recent science fiction movie, The Matrix is done well enough that the few breaks in logic are hardly noticable, or even worth a second thought. Easily my favorite sci-fi movie since Aliens.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This is the only science-fiction movie worth my recommendation in the last 3 years. Also, the Butler really wasn't the killer.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I found this movie very entertaining, yet frightening. As a techinical person, I can say that the premise not entirely unbeleivable.

While leaving a number of technical questions, I felt that the author/director did a good job of making this story seem real.

My one complaint was that the ending was pathetic. It made a poor attempt at a philosophical view on technology.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I enjoyed every part of this movie! The special effects and the sound were simply wild. As if the excellent action scenes weren't enough, then some of the comedic lines got the whole theater laughing.

The story was so indepth. It took some extra thought and imagination to really grasp what was going on. Alternate realities, defying the laws of physics, entire worlds being just computer programs. At times it was rather disorienting.

Everyone who came out of this movie had a smile on their face including myself. I'd give The Matrix a 10 out of 10, two thumbs up anyday!

My suggestion: Don't wait till this comes out on home video.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
"The Matrix" is, without a doubt, the most explosive, mind boggling film of all time! I had no idea that this movie was going to be so good!!! From start to finish, "The Matrix" will keep you on the edge of your seat, forgetting to breathe! An A+!!!!

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I’m stuck in the middle on this complex sci-fi action-thriller. The instructions-by-phone escape route bit started the movie with a bang. I appreciated the concept and the development of the dream world known as the Matrix. And I actually liked the fight scenes despite not being a martial arts fan. However, there were times that the movie got convoluted and lost sight of its direction. 2:30 is at least a half hour too long for this film. Didn’t much care for the ending either. Still, given what we’re fed as science fiction and action movies these days, it’s a welcome alternative. Matrix is better than anything I've seen Woo or Chan do and certainly worth the first run bucks to see the impressive FX in a good theatre.

10-point scale rating: 6

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Absolutely amazing. I knew it would be pretty, but I was afraid the plot would be insultingly trite. Instead it was incredibly ambitious. It takes cues from just about every other sci-fi movie ever done, but does so tastefully. The plot won't hold up to detailed analysis, but it's wild enough and comes at you fast enough that you won't notice. Effects, visuals, and production were simply stunning. Can't wait for the DVD.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was awesome! It starts out a little slow and a little confusing, but when it gets going it is unbelievably exciting, all the way to the end. It would be pretty difficult to explain the plot, so I won't even try. I wouldn't want to give anything away anyway. But I have to say this is the best movie I've seen in quite a while, probably the best action movie since The Negotiator, last summer. The special effects and action scenes really make the movie. The acting is fine also. Everyone knows that Keanu Reeves isn't the greatest actor in the world (I think there's even a little research proving this... hehe) but here he does fine. The performance in this movie that I absolutely loved was given by Hugo Weaving, who plays the head of the agents. His character was hilarious and kind of spooky at the same time. What else can I say, but go see this movie, you won't regret it!

My rating: **** 1/2 out of *****

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
When I first heard about this movie, I thought to myself, "How stupid! I'm never going to go see that!" Well, I did go see it and the movie proved me wrong. It was an excellent movie that really got you thinking. However, in the beginning of the movie, it was quite hard to understand and to follow the plot. But as the main character learns more about the "Matrix", the audience does as well. I would recommend that you just be patient with the beginning becuase it is well worth it in the end.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
what are you doing reading this review??!!! go see THE MATRIX right now!!

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
"The Matrix" has some extremely gripping moments. Unfortunately, they're fleeting moments at best. While the special effects are top-notch and the premise is actually interesting, the film's dialogue and clichés are what kills it.

I know I'm the minority here (heck, I could only find one bad review on the film), but I just really was not impressed. Reeves's performance was unconvincing. I liked him in "Devil's Advocate," but his acting in this movie sunk back down to the "Speed" level. His character's "passion" was not believable. Fishburne was deadpan too, but I'll admit that I've never really cared for him. One of the most annoying things in the movie was the lead bad guy's voice . . . it was cool for about two seconds, but after that, I just wanted to strangle him.

Still, to each his own. I didn't think it was worth $6.50, but you may. The URL for that so far lone bad review is: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1999/03/31/DD49124.DTL

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Very well done. The cinematography is terrific. Creative combinations of camera, lighting, and effects make this movie stunningly beautiful. The soundtrack also helps although can annoy some rock haters. The acting isn't too magnificent but it doesn't matter because everything else is played out so nicely. Storyline is great, shows a great new (althought there might be somthing like this, but I've never seen any before) sci-fi theme.

Grade: A

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie is by far the most awful movie I've seen all year. I like science fiction movies, but this one didn't make any sense. As stated in the preview it is about robots controlling humanity. The world that the characters live in is a computer program, and once the characters realize it they can manipulate it. Keanu Reeves can even dodge bullets or stop them in mid-air. The movie continues with them evading 'agents' but into the program by the robots. The movie doesn't make any sense because, why can't the robots manipulate the program to capture the characters??? There is a helecopter chase scene...Why can't the robots change the helecopter into a semi-truck to make it crash!

Poorly thought out!!!

To throw things in and try and make it interesting, they keep having these elaborate gun and kung-fu fight scenes. Without these I would have had to walk out, but still there a pure rendition of the fight scenes from Blade.

Bad Movie.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
If you are into computers at all, and/or have a thing for theories about reality or conspiracy, you must see this movie.

There were several scenes in the movie that I was literally in awe. You too will be amazed.

It's too bad for the director and sfx crew that this movie came out at this time of year, because the people at the Academy Awards will have wrongfully forgotten about this awesome, awesome film.

I am defiantly going to purchase a DVD player now, for I must own this film.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This is the best action movie ever made. Go and see it now!!!!!

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
As far as special effects...Great. But the overall movie was a let down. I love good science fiction, but this was just a bunch of FLASH. Afterwards, it left me a little flat.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie totally rocked. I loved the story and the action.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
One word sums this move up, OUTSTANDING! The plot threw me for a twist at the beginning which I find quite appealing. The trailers didn't spoil any part of the movie at all. The effects were ground breaking. If you liked the Dockers Swing dancing commercial on TV, you will love this movie. Go see it, wait in line, do whatever you need to do. :)

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000

I loved the effects and fighting scenes. Part Two?


[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
People here have already summed this up quite well. I went to see it because I like special effects, and I figured it would be a fun way to blow off a Saturday night. But this movie impressed me far more than I expected it would. I left the theater saying, "I've GOT to see that again." Don't wait for video. You'll want to see this on the big screen.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Pretty good movie - definitely a must for any sci-fi fan. Could had been even better if the writers had realized that they left a big hole in the storyline which kinda makes a lot of the stuff (especially late in the movie) too much to suspend belief on.

Reeves does a typical "Keanu" performance. Most of the acting in this movie is a little stilted - despite some big names in the cast.

Lots of action and the special effects were top-notch. (Just wish they had paid the writers more....) Definitely a must see in the theater - make sure you go to one with a good sound system (THX, etc etc)

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
EXCELLENT Sci Fi, Kept me on the edge of my seat. Never felt like I knew what was going to come next. Helps if you have some knowledge of computers and understand Virtual Reality. GREAT effects.

[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This is an incredibly stupid movie. The characters are so superficially drawn that one cannot find any sympathy for them. The whole concept of "IS HE THE ONE?" is treated with such pomposity that it is laughable. From the sun glasses to the black clothes, this movie misses the target in terms of plot or character development. Maybe as a cult thing or a hip thing it might have some attraction. But I believe many moviegoers will be disappointed in this film, especially because of its hype.

Jan 25, 2000
First of all....I liked it. The Matrix takes you on a journey to find out what is real and what isn't. If you remember various films of the 60s which challenged the audience to question if their neighbors were just pods from another world or if our world was just a mirror image of another, then you will have a clearer understanding of this movie. Instead of using pods or mirrors, this film uses computers. Recent films like "Pleasantville" and "The Truman Show" showed us the two sides of reality in television, but "The Matrix" takes it a step further and removes the comedy. You will find the special effects outstanding, whether it be the dodging of the bullets or the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Keanu Reeves is great in his role as a new recruit and possible chosen one, but he still needs to learn to enunciate his words....I am beginning to think he went to the same language-acting school as Sylvester Stallone. Joe Pantaliano continues to give Italians a bad name by always playing a snake (not a real one...it's a figure of speech) and Laurence Fishburne finally has made something decent since his "Searching for Bobby Fisher" days. For those of you who may not like sci-fi films, you will be safe with this one...it is easy to follow, creative (but simple) in its approach (you will even feel like Maxwell Smart in "Get Smart" in a few scenes), and give you that twinge of possibility in what is being presented. Any more comments about the film will give it away, so I will stop talking. Bottom line...in the years to come it we may eventually find it easier to believe this type of reality than some of the stuff that comes out of the Oval Office. Rating: 7 of 10.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie is a big time thrilled. Reeves does an excellent job as the "choosen one"

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was by far the boom. Hey Daniel Gardener, what are you a street cleaner or something? Matrix is hot as Hell, a must see movie. I was blown away with the FX and the acting. Currently I am a computer programmer, but my love is movie making and when I left that movie I said OUT LOUD 'This is the kind of movie I would like to make.' I was gribbed but the action and horrified at the possiblities of it happening in the future. Don't worry I'm not a nut, but think about it if we did indeed create a machine that thinks for itself without a soul and feelings what do you think would happen. Artifical inteligence is not completely a myth anymore.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I totally disagree with the guy who said this is a guy's movie! This is a movie for our times!! The directors are on the front edge of a huge wave that's coming our way... or is already here... the Internet Age. Get online sometime and listen to the stuff people are saying and you'll understand this movie.

Not only is The Matrix a provocative and creative movie, but the effects are fantastic! We've been sorely needing something creative in the movie industry for a long time, and this movie just threatens to blow the glass ceiling. I predict it won't win at the Oscars because 'Who are the directors? Not Stephen Spielberg? Oh, then they're nobody.' What a shame.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Excellant plot, story and special effects. Going to see this one again, and again. It's a movie you have to see on the big screen - wait to catch it at home and you'll lose a lot, even with a 60 inch TV.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Excellent special effects, interesting concept, very well done.

The kung fu in this movie is extremely well done (the actors worked daily for four or five months learning kung fu with Yuen Wo Ping, the fight Coordinator). If you know a style of Kung Fu, these scenes will be especially interesting to you.

I've seen the movie twice. It was even better the second time around. I'm looking forward to seeing it again this Friday.

This movie is excellent! I give it a 10. SEE IT NOW as many times as you can!!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie is the best I have seen for a long time. If you like high action packed movies see this one. It was soo good Im going back to see it a second time.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
You have to see this one at the theater. The special effects kick butt. Better effects then Star wars(?) really awesome. Kinda frightining. (I was scared)But it's cool so go see it!

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I went to this movie not even knowing what it was about. All I knew is that it was a sci-fi movie.

The movie is a little hard to follow at first, but once the action starts and you understand what it going on, its a good movie to see. There are LOTS of superb special effects which, in my opinion, make the movie. Some of the effects are groundbreaking.

I would recommend that you see this either at the matinee or budget theater, but don't wait for video. The special effects are definitely worth seeing on the big screen.

***1/2 out of *****

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Damb. This movie is gonna take the Special Effects of the year award in a snap. Never before have I been so thrilled and amazed at movie FX's. Aside from that, Keanu Reeves is reclaiming his place among the movie stars...definitely a performance worthy of him. I cannot stress enough that you see this movie!! You just MUST SEE IT!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Matrix is by far the best movie of the year and I urge you to see it over and over!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Greatest speacial effects I have ever seen. The movie is like a constant thrill ride. The action seens are outstanding and the music is cool too. See this movie in a theater for sure. It is well worth your money.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
From start to finish the movie was just smashin'. The camrea angles and special effects made this movie great. I had the chance to see it twice and wasn't falling asleep during the second time. I highly recommend seeing this in the theaters, espically those that have stadium seating and a good sound system.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie is an instant classic. The first time I got done seeing it, I wanted to see it again. It is filled with dazzling special effects with a well thought-out plot. Anyone who doesn't like this movie just doesn't have the mental capacity to appreciate it. I want Trinity. Trinity is hot!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Guess what? Keanu Reeves doesn't screw it up. Sure, he's usually one of the most wooden actors in Hollywood, and I know that he didn't exactly inspire confidence with his last sci-fi outing, "Johnny Mnemonic". In that one, he seemed a little uncomfortable with his role, as if he was under too much pressure to carry the film. In "The Matrix", the filmmakers (brothers Andy and Larry Wachowski) put no such pressure on him. They know what to do with a leading man like Reeves. Just tell him to stand around, look cool, and do a few stunts. He does that very well. Futhermore, they give Laurence Fishburne all the hard lines and big words, so Keanu usually has little more to say than "Whoa".

The special effects in "The Matrix" are astounding, spectacular, and breathtaking. Can I think of any more adjectives? You think you've seen these before in those Gap Khaki ads? As Bill & Ted would say: No way, dude. "The Matrix" is like nothing you've ever seen before. The special effects are, of course, the movie's main strength, but the story's not bad either. It should be enough to please most science fiction fans, and other audiences won't be TOO confused by it. Remember back in 1991, when "Terminator 2" blew everyone away with its morphing techniques and started a new era in visual effects? This is the same thing. Go see "The Matrix" and prepare to be dazzled. It's a sci-fi action-adventure with *gasp!* a little intelligence.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I liked the special effects, and the premise of the story is interesting. But it I was somewhat confused in the beginning, nearly fell asleep in the middle, then woke up to a pretty good ending. And it was just too long at 2:30. A few of the gun fight scenes were just too unbelievable (how could the "bad guys" be such bad shots?) Not what it was built up to be.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie can make somebody's mind torn apart cause of confusion on all they perceptions about live. The movie says that the matter of supernatural power or ESP ability or the superpower human abilities are possible in this world cause of we're all livin' in a virtual world where the feelin' and perception about all things in livin' are programmed on an artificial intelligent system called MATRIX, and we are not concious about all of that. In that virtual world somebody can feel hurt if got shooted cause the matrix programme the feeling of pain to your brain. But if someone can controll his mind and not get affected by simulation of the matrix program, he can do anything. So careful on seeing this movie. This is a great movie. Full of very great martial arts technique. Full of great special effects too. You gotta watch this movie!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie has it all. Excellent casting, an intricate plotline, great sets, incredible special effects, and a great soundtrack. This movie was instantly one of my all-time favorite movies. Go see it right now! When it comes out on video, buy it! Hand it down for generations! Tell your grandchildren that you saw it when it first came out, and be the envy of them because by that time it will be a highly-celebrated piece of cinematic lore. I can't recommend it enough. Also buy (or at least listen to) the soundtrack when you get a chance. You'll love this movie if you love action, science fiction, violence, a bunch of people hanging around looking cool, high-adrenaline scenes, bending the laws of nature and physics, and of course there is a love scene that just makes you feel great inside. A perfect 10!

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Lets start this out by saying, if you miss this movie, you will miss one of the great ones. This movie is action packed, and stood up to the hype. It makes you think, which is one of the strong points of it. Yes, its complex. But its worth your money!@#

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
As I write this only 2 reviewers have bad mouthed this film. I can even see their points, but regardless of the movies faults, thought it was an excellent, original film.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
I wasn't sure if this was going to be another forray into what a collection of Hollywood computer boffs and explosives nerds can do on the big screen but i was pleasantly suprised.

The effects are stunning yes, but they are not the usual cars flying through the air big noise fake blood and men in sweaty vests type scenarios that we are often presented with.

They are in fact often breathtaking in their beauty and as Neo and Trinity fly through the air you think of Swan Lake rather than Leathal Weapon twenty five.

Another first for Hollywood action films is that the plot is actually interesting and arresting. You get the impression that the film does not really take itself too seriously and philosophy mixed with romance mixed with oh crap its the end of the world mixed with Keanu Reeves is a winning recipe.

Anyway, I'm getting carried away.

Just go and see it. Its ground breaking stuff and you kids will want to know what it looked like on the big screen.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was one of the few movies today that still really entertain people. This movie was so excellent, it had me believing what I was watching. This movie is a must see for all people. And the good part is, you don't even have to like Keanu Reaves to like the show. I give this movie 5/5 stars for it's excellency. I am definitely reserving my copy on VHS for this wonderful film.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
This is the best film I have seen in my life! This film combines extreame action, a complex plot, good actors and some damn good music. Imagine a world where you can do almost anything, have almost anything this is better. I especialy liked the array of asowme weponary used in the film e.g. Glock's, Uzi's, Mp5's, Desert Eagles, M-16's, 7.62mm Miniguns, Spas 12's and others. I loved the great imaginitave action sequences including the great martial arts performances by the actors. I throughly enjoyed watching this film and strongly urge anyone who likes a fast action gun loaded film to go and see it now!

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
What a great film. The special effects were simply out of this world. It's such a shame that the writers had to rip off so many of William Gibson's ideas, if you read Neuromancer, Count Zero, Virtual Light etc.etc. Then you'll know what I’m talking about. But never the less still the best film around at the moment.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Wow. The creators of movie didn't realise how close thy came to the reality of MATRIX. Isn't our world matrix? We created fallen, not perfect world with the rules which we are protecting wery much. If somebody want to make changes - we execute. We using artificial joy like drugs, alcohol, free sex, without searching for happiness. We learn how to be part of matrix. Perfect part. That we compleetly serv the needs of this system without really asking ourself: what is our true purpose of creation? Who we are? What is real world? If you are not oriented so much spiritually - just go and see the special efects, those are also cool. Don't warry about idea - your understand it one time. Later.

[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
Juvenile at times - this movie had a few cliches and corny parts... but overall, there was a story beneath that really matters. It reeks of Libertarianism or mostly individualism (more people are voting libertarian than Republi-Crat these days - its films like these, among many other things). another similar movie in some respects is "Gattaca" - I'm not sure which movie is scarier seeing that "Gattaca" has more human control over people - see this movie for th FX/action at the least - it is well worth it if for that alone.

Apr 11, 2001
"The Matrix" is a landmark Science fiction movie that broke new barriers in how we made Science Fiction movies.

The film stars Keneu Reeves as a man who enters a strange new world. A high tech world where anything can happen, where reality and fantasy collides. The film made use of its computer technology to featured the world that is the Matrix.

Carrie Anne Moss is appealing as Reeves' love intrest. In black leather she is the second best thing about the movie, right behind the special effects.
[--- Good ---]by  
Apr 15, 2001
I think it's pretty overrated but still an excellent movie.
[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jun 16, 2001
This is the best movie I have ever seen my entire life! It is so different and so cool at the same time. Little kids wouldn't understand it at all but for adults it's fantastic, although might be confusing for some. The sound effects, music, acting, effects, camera angles and pretty much everything else is fantastic!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for the sequal!!!
Jun 16, 2001
"The Matrix" is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. The acting, special effects, and musical score are all first-rate. It kept my attention throughout the 136 minutes.

It's crazy to think about how real this situation could be not too far into the future. I watched it at home, but I would have loved to have seen it in the theatres. 5 *'s out of 5
[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jun 18, 2001
Last time I checked, The Matrix was in the "older movies" section. But still, if you haven't seen it. Do so. It's one you have to watch at least twice to get most of the stuff. I've seen it at least thirty with no exagerations.
May 21, 2003
You're going to need to see this on DVD so you can watch it a couple of times or at least back it up to see some of the effects again or catch some of the dialog.

Overall, a groundbreaking film for its time, and one that spawned a new cinematic effect that was oft-copied afterwards.
Jul 19, 2012

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