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The Wizard of Oz
Academy Award® Winner
Young Dorothy lives on a farm in Kansas where a large tornado picks her house, and her dog up and deposits them in the land of Oz. Things in Oz are strange and beautiful, but Dorothy just wants to...  View more >

Starring Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger...  View more >

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[--- Good ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
"There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home." And there is no movie as classic as The Wizard of Oz starring the unforgettable Judy Garland as Dorothy. Living the life of a typical college student on go, it is a rare occasion when I can actually sit, back, relax, and enjoy the show without dwelling on my next exam or meeting except when I go home. Being at home in Knoxville, Tennessee always means taking my little six year old brother to the newest movie in the theatres. This trip would not fail to be different. Barely making it to the 12:50 showing at the newest Regal Cinemas in West Town Mall, my brother and I plowed through the mob to find Theatre 7 and then to our front row seats just in time for previews and all. As the lights dimmed, I felt the excitement grow at the thought of taking my brother to a movie I also grew up with. Though I never saw it on the theatre the animation of Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion brought to my 19 inch color television sufficed for any five to nine year old. One of the most interesting aspects of this 1939 movie is the shared roles between animals/villians and actor. Myra Gulch, the rich dispicable townswoman, doubles as none other than the Wicked Witch of the West. Playing opposite to her evilness are the three farmhands who work on Aunt Em and Uncle Henry's farm and play the Scarecrow, who lacks brains, the Tin Man, who lacks a heart, and the Lion, who lacks courage--supposedly. Though a young child may not catch the irony that everything that each character wants he already possesses, it is evident to an older audience viewer. This is exemplified continuously throughout the movie. For example, when the three, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion, are lingering outside the Wicked Witch's Castle in hopes of somehow rescuing Dorothy and her dog, Toto, the Scarecrow comes up with a plan to try and save the two inseperable companions. The Tin Man, who longs for a heart in his hollow body, depicts to have the biggest heart of them all. Everything we want we have. It simply takes looking in "our own backyard" according to Dorothy and if it is not there then we never lost it in the first place.The Wizard of Oz has it all. From a villian to a heroine, comedy and tears, it is a classic that will still be watched by my grandchildren. With incredible songs like "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" this timeless epic will leave every viewer wanting to see it again on the big screen or on video. The color and lifelike animation that is brought to the screen ensures any age viewer either a powerful, new flic or a trip back down memory lane. Either way, with a little brains, heart, courage, and a place to call home, anything is possible whether you are in Kansas or over the rainbow.

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
It is a great movie in which there is a tornado in Kansas where Dorthy (the main charactor) lives. She hits her head on something and falls on to her bed. Then when the tornado is over, she walks through her bedroom door and finds this very colorful place called Oz. There, she meets the good witch, munchkins, a scarecrow, a tinman, a lion, and other people. There is also a bad witch who follows Dorthy and her friends wherever they go because Dorthy got the red slippers that have powers that the witch wants. To find out the end GO WATCH THE MOVIE :)

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
We've all seen it 100 times before on television, but let me tell you.....

There's a great big difference when you see this movie on the big screen. You see a lot more detail than you have ever seen on television. You hear a lot more sounds than you ever have. As many times as I've seen this movie, seeing it on the big screen was just like watching it for the first time all over again. There aren't too many timeless classics such as this one. I'd highly recommend you see it on the big screen while you can. The theater in Menomonee Falls only charges $2 per ticket, so its a great chance to take your kids out, or if you don't have kids (such as myself--I went with my wife, my sister and her husband), see it anyway.

****1/2 out of *****

[--- See Now! ---]by  
Jan 25, 2000
There's nothing I can really add to pile hyperbole onto one of the true classics of all time. A rare gem of a movie...

10-point scale rating: 10

Jul 21, 2003
A classic film that should not be missed.

If you have to ask, then you've never seen it, heard about it, or grown up around it.
Mar 2, 2010
I like to make a correction about the movie review "the Wizard of Oz" that I did years ago. The guy who wrote the book is Frank Bran not Frank Oz. when he isn't writing the Oz books, He write newspapers columns. I still love the movie. I stand corrected.
Sep 11, 2013
allways loved this movie

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