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What is The BigScreen Cinema Guide?

The BigScreen Cinema Guide is a website about movies and movie theaters for movie enthusiasts, published by movie enthusiasts!

Since 1995, The BigScreen Cinema Guide has been providing movie showtimes and information for theaters across the United States. In addition to the delivery of showtime information, we provide detailed movie and theater information. From its beginning, the publication has been produced by Scott Jentsch of SVJ Designs LLC in New Berlin, Wisconsin.

What Information Do You Provide About Movies?

We provide detailed information about movies in our Movies section, including all the expected information and details about each movie. While we do not consider ourselves a comprehensive movie database for every movie made since movies were invented, we have quite a bit of information and that database expands daily!

Movie theater showtimes appear twice, once on each theater's showtimes page and again on the showtimes page for each movie. Along with the showtimes for movies playing at theaters, we also provide the following details:

  • Online Ticketing (for Participating Theaters)
  • Sound Formats (Dolby Atmos, etc.)
  • Stadium Seating, Special Seating options
  • 3D, Premium Large Format, THX, 70mm
  • Pass List Suspended
  • Open Caption / Closed Caption / DVS (Descriptive Video Service)
  • Sensory-friendly Presentations

We also provide links to reviews of the movies from movie critics, as well as allowing our readers to give their opinions of the movie with our unique rating scale and commentary section titled "Reader Reviews."

What Information Do You Provide About Movie Theaters?

We have extensive information about movie theaters! Along with showtimes for the movies they are playing, we have an array of information that will help you decide which theater to watch movies at:

  • Ticket Prices
  • Address w/ Map & Directions
  • Contact Information
  • Announcements of Promotions, Events, etc.
  • Theater Photos
  • Related News Articles
  • Gift Card Information
  • Private Rental Information
  • Hiring Opportunities
  • Related Websites & Social Media Links

We provide our readers with the opportunity to leave comments about the theaters they visit in the Reader Comments page for each theater. This is an opportunity to leave feedback about your experience, provide helpful information about where to park or which auditorium is your favorite, and also recount your memories of attending movies there.

How Accurate Are Your Showtimes?

Our showtimes are sourced from the nation's largest distributor of movie showtimes and related movie information and are updated multiple times every weekday. In many cases, the showtimes are obtained directly from the ticketing systems at movie theaters, so the accuracy of the data is the best possible.

Do you have a Privacy Policy?

Your privacy is important to us. That's why we don't collect any more information from you than what is necessary for us to provide our services to you. You can review our Privacy Policy at any time by visiting the following address:

  Privacy Policy

I Operate a Movie Theater, What Can You Do For Me?

We love to work with movie theaters to deliver the best possible information to our readers! Please visit our Business Services section for more information about the services that we offer to movie theaters!

Notices of Copyright Infringement (DMCA)

We respect the intellectual property rights and copyrights of others, and we expect all who visit this website do the same. If you believe that content on this site infringes on your intellectual property rights and/or copyrights, please provide the following information:

  • A detailed description of the copyrighted work in question.
  • The location of the allegedly infringing material(s). URLs are very helpful.
  • Your contact information, including name, address, phone number, and E-Mail address.
  • A statement by you stating your good-faith belief that the allegedly infringing material(s) are not authorized for use by the copyright owner.
  • A statement by you that, under penalty of perjury, you are authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

Send this information by mail to: SVJ Designs, LLC., P.O. Box 510703, New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151

Contact Information

We're happy to answer questions from the press, prospective partners, and especially theaters. Please use the contact information below to reach us via the method you prefer. If you would like to provide us with feedback about this site, please use our Feedback Form.

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