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Saving Mr. Banks
Academy Award® Nominee
The story behind the making of Walt Disney's "Mary Poppins," and the partnership that was formed between Disney and author P. L. Travers.

Starring Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Paul Giamatti...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Dec 26, 2013
Jan 2, 2014
The film tells of the making of the classic movie "Mary Poppins." And according to the film that movie almost never happen. The year is 1961 and Walt disney is preparing to make the film with help of the author PL Travers played brilliantly by Emma Thompson. Tom Hanks was great as Walt Disney. But Travers is very diffcult to work with. she stated that she does not want singing or animation in the movie and that where the film gets real good. The novel was drawn from her own childhood and she faces the same sort of thing as the characters in the movie. I find the movie good and I hope Thompson gets an Oscar nomination for best Actress. This movie will teach us on how to make and movie and how the inspiration of the film has come from. Next time "Mary Poppins" is shown on television, and when I watch it, I'll be thinking of the movie.
Jan 4, 2014
Jan 14, 2014
It was an emotional movie and funny too. rating from 1-10, its a 10+. and its a great movie that the whole family would enjoy.
Jan 19, 2014
After seeing this movie, you will never watch Marry Poppins with the same feeling as you did before.

An exceptional movie on the background of Marry Poppins.

The flashbacks keep one in tune to the reality surrounding the fantasy of Marry Poppins.

Tom Hanks does an excellent job portraying Walt Disney.
Jan 20, 2014
Interesting, informative and funny! Stay through the credits to hear an actual recording of P. L. Travers with the Disney team. Good in the theater, but I don't think it would lose much if you wait for the DVD of it.
Jan 23, 2014
This movie was completely different than I pictured which I loved and wish I brought Kleenex with me. I think because men (from Mars) wouldn't enjoy it as much(just saying).
Jan 11, 2015

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