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Academy Award® Winner
Andrew Neiman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, single-minded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite east coast music conservatory. Plagued by the failed writing career of his father,...  View more >

Starring Miles Teller, J.K. Simmons, Melissa Benoist...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jan 5, 2015
Bang the Drum Loudly! "Whiplash" is a powerful movie about a drummer at a music school and a demanded teacher who push him to the limits. Miles Teller plays a student who plays the drum who being push to the limites by his music teacher, played by J.K. Simmons who himself is pushed to the limit is one of his best roles in years. He could get an Oscar nomination for his role. One of the best player ina jazz band, any jazz band is the drummer. the audience knows it, I know it, the teacher knows it. It's the most important part of a jazz band. The film is both powerful as well as thrilling. The performances are impressive and I was impressed. After this movie, I won't look at a jazz band the same way again.
Mar 1, 2015
To me, this is the best film out there for the last several months. It is the story of a young drummer who has an incredible drive to excel as a jazz drummer. His teacher is a sadistic perfectionist. The acting is A+. The film is full of tension. You ask yourself if the 1950's school marm motivates or hurts at the end of the film. Do we need this to succeed at a high level?

The directing is top-notch.
Mar 3, 2015
J.K. Simmons won an Academy Award for his performance as a hard-nosed music teacher that accepts nothing but everything they have and more from the students who perform in his jazz ensemble. After seeing this movie, I think the award was justly deserved, as Simmons carries this movie from beginning to end.

Simmons' Terence Fletcher exacts his own brand of tough love in order to get the most out of his students, and while it would be easy to hate the man, we see into why he does it, and glimpses of humanity, even if it is quickly covered by his tough exterior.

The end is satisfying, not because everything works out in the end (as would happen in many movies), but because there is a resolution in what each is willing to do to further his own ambitions, and a recognition that even if you disagree with the methods, the results may vindicate them in certain situations.

I can't say that I can identify with someone wanting to be the best drummer possible, I did appreciate the music. Oddly enough, the best music in the movie is a very short piano piece in a nightclub. I would buy an entire album of that kind of music. However, the ensemble pieces were quite good.

I definitely recommend seeing this movie. It stands out for its performances and for what it says about the teacher/student relationship, and what each wants from the other.

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