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Into the Woods
Academy Award® Nominee
A modern twist on the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tales, intertwining the plots of a few choice stories and exploring the consequences of the characters' wishes and quests. This humorous and...  View more >

Starring Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, Johnny Depp...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jan 1, 2015
This movie is a MUSICAL, and not a very good musical at that! I do not recall reading or seeing it advertised as a musical. It is opera-like, in that most the dialogue is sung. None of the songs have a "catchy" tune, and the none are memorable. The lyrics are equally poor. The acting is fine and the movie is entertaining for children, but drags on to a twist ending. I thought it was very misleading and disappointing.
Jan 1, 2015
Very misleading, advertising this as a film when it's actually a musical. And not a very good one at that. Combining multiple fairytales into one story sounded like a good idea, and there is a point halfway through the movie where they could've and should've stopped. The second half of the film is dark and the storyline is poorly conceived.
Jan 6, 2015
I don't consider "Into the Woods" as one of the best musicals ever made. But it had it's moments. One of the reason why I like the movie because it's adapted from screen to stage and on film, it gave the musical the expansion it needed to inject lift into the movie. the staher vesion of the movie is limited to the stage, but this movie has expanded. another reason why I like the movie is that Emily Blunt can sing so well. I've been following her career for almost nine years and I got an autographed picture of her that I still have at home. Another reason is Anna Kendrick. I know she can sing well. I heard her song "Cips played on the radio. I love her singing and because of her I kind of looking forward in hearing her sing in "Pitch Perfect 2." Oh yeah, me and her are friends on Facebook. Meryl Streep is good as the witch. This is her best role in nearly ten years. The film tells of combing several fairy tales fuse into one story line that crosses with one another. Although the film began to fall apart toward the end, the film never loses it sight on the play. If you see this movie, don't expect much, but you might tell, this movie may grow on you.
Jan 9, 2015
Good film. Nice play on the tales with a modern touch
Jan 22, 2015
This would have received a "See Now" except the last part of the movie was quite slow and actually a quite dumb conclusion. The singing did not diminish from the movie--it was fun having some of the fairy tales we grew up with converge into one tale. Great performances by the major characters and especially from the boy who played Jack, Daniel Huttlestone!

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