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Moulin Rouge!
Academy Award® Winner
A young writer defies his father by moving to the bohemian underworld of Paris. He is taken in by artist Toulouse-Lautrec, whose party-hard life centers around the Moulin Rouge, a world of sex,...  View more >

Starring Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, Jim Broadbent...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jun 1, 2001
At first this movie is very weird. It is shot in a format that people aren't used but other than that the movie is great. It has great music, great stars, and a great plot.

I don't know if there is anything like it that I have ever seen but I thought it was great. If you love musicals, romance, and comedy you will love Moulin Rouge. It will leave you wanting to sing and dance out of the theater.
[--- See Now! ---]
Jun 4, 2001
I thought it was very good, i was unsure of how it would be, but it was very good.
Jun 6, 2001
"Moulin Rouge" is a musical set at the turn of the century Paris, where the rich hang out. The film takes the point of view of the writer who writes about the night club and the peple who made it come alive. As the film go though the city of Paris, in the opening moments of the film, the scenes of the back allys are filmed in black and white. But when the camera pans "Molin Rouge," then it became quite a colorful sight.

The center of the "Moulin Rouge" universe is Nichole Kidman as the singer who was favored by several men in her life. Kidman comes of like a fiary red-headed version of Marilyn Monroe. (She also sang "A Diamond is a Girl's Best Friend" from the 1953 film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes") Many of the songs from the movie won't be sung for another 60-70 years.

The film is quite colorful with bright costumes and lavish dialogue. The news media better take note:the real story should be Nichole Kidman's fine performance in "Moulin Rouge," which include a possible Oscar nomination for best actress, not her messy divorce from Tom Cruise.
[--- Stay Away! ---]
Jun 19, 2001
An embarassingly BAD musical. I could only take 20 minutes of the loud, flashy dancing and "singing" before leaving the theatre.

It seems, Hollywood is getting quite desparate for investments. Kidman may pass as a sultry slow-talking sex symbol ala "Eyes Wide Shut," but a variety show entertainer, she is not!

If you like a 1900-era circus with current style tunes, go waste your money.
[--- See Now! ---]
Jun 21, 2001
Let me start by saying I don't like musicals but after seeing the TV ads I decided to give it a go anyway. The scenes were over exagerated as musicals usually are and the ending could have been a little smoother.

That said I found the film very entertaining and would see it again. This is a film that must be seen on the big screen. Kidman and McGregor are excellent singers and the use of the different tunes was skillfully applied.
[--- See Now! ---]
Jul 16, 2001
This was a very entertaining movie. I took my wife because I knew she really wanted to see it, and was really not looking forward to going.

Yes, the beginning is a little bizarre, the jerky camera movement, etc. But once the movie actually starts, it was very enjoyable.

I caught myself (and others) laughing aloud several times throughout the movie.

If you want to go and have 2 hours of fun, this is a great movie to see.

Also, I would recommend seeing this film on the big screen, because it is very visually pleasing, and much of the detail will be lost when it comes out on video.
[--- Stay Away! ---]
Jul 18, 2001
In a line of movies that have made the summere boring Moulin Rouge with its theater of the absurd plot and surrealist settings takes the viewer on a torturous journey in song, many of the songs contemporary and not in keeping with the style of the historical Moulin Rouge.

Watching the trailers after I saw the film, one might think there is a plot. But the film is full of weird characters, unbelievable song sequences and editing that won't allow the viewer to appreciate the picture.
[--- See Now! ---]
Aug 5, 2001
This was the best movie I have seen in quite some time, the music really makes it better, get the soundtrack too! I have seen it 5 times in the theater before I went on vacation then once after. MUST SEE
[--- Good ---]
Dec 2, 2001
Very strange movie but entertaining nonetheless. During the first part of the movie, I thought "what did I just pay money to see?" but then it grew on me.
[--- Stay Away! ---]
Jul 10, 2002
One of the few movies I could not get through. The music was all popular music combined into single songs, and made no sense whatsoever. Very overrated movie. The visuals were beautiful however.

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