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The Matrix Reloaded
Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, and the rest of their crew continue to battle the machines that have enslaved the human race in the Matrix. As their quest unfolds, Neo learns more about his super-heroic...  View more >

Starring Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne...  View more >

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May 17, 2003
There is a lot of action...slow action. This movie does nothing to keep interest up. I read the professional reviewers remarks and to me, they were too nice. I actually fell asleep for a few minutes during the movie.

I loved the Matrix. But this one is just not cutting it. The movie is dis-jointed and ragged. They make Nemo out to be a "new-age" Jesus. In one scene, there is a multitude awaiting his arrival. As he enters, everyone crowds around, wanting his "blessing" to protect their son or loved one. His gal stands off to the side and tells him to come later, when he can, she will await him. She knows he is still "a man" and has needs, which she willingly allows him to satisfy. I mean what woman wouldn't want the New Age Messiah to have his way with her.

Nemo is a superman, of sorts, unable to be taken by the "bad-guys". Knowing this makes the movie very boring and at times painfully slow. Lastly, the ending....forget it! "Oh this really makes me want to come back for the next episode" NOT!

If you were 10 or 11 years old, you might really like the show. If you are more than a pre-pubescent male, I really don't feel you will go away from this movie with too much more than pop corn husks in-between your teeth.

Wait for the rental...or better yet, get a friend to rent it and ask to borrow that from him...save your money.
May 17, 2003
I never thought I'd be writing these words, but I was very surprised by Reloaded. I think it fell way below my expectations. The special effects and action sequences, including the fighting, were top notch. But there were also some very, very lame misses.

Morpheus' speech to the inhabitants of Zion was totally corny, and wreaked of bad acting. The majority of the dialogue in the film was overly wordy, deep and drawn out.......and went over everyone's head.

In short if I didn't know better I would have said that this film was made by an entirely different team than the ones who made the first Matrix. That's the way it felt as I sat through it. It had a 'campy' feel to it and lacked continuity as one scene followed the next. The last scene was terrible, and the conversation between Neo and the Architect was ridiculous and laughable.

Hopefully this team will redeem themselves with the final installment, 'Revolutions'.
May 21, 2003
Not as good as the first, but still awesome.
May 21, 2003
A must-see if you're a Matrix fan, but if you're going in with heightened (and hyped) expectations, you will likely be a little disappointed. Remember, this is a middle film, with the conclusion coming in November with "The Matrix: Revolutions."

The highlight of the film is the extra-long car chase scene on a freeway, involving cars, trucks, semis, and motorcycles. It's probably the best car chase I've seen since Ronin.

For those of you that look for the exit as soon as the credits begin to roll, you may want to stick around and get comfortable. After the very long credits roll (how many drivers does Keanu need, anyway?), there is a preview of the final chapter which is pretty good.
May 21, 2003
The battle of the machines continues in \"The Matrix:Reloaded,\" the sequel to the successful action movie in 1999. The film which had a breakthough in the field of special effects, is more fun to watch. I found this movie amazing. I enjoy the romance between Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss. I especially love the scenes where Reeves minics Superman as he flies though the air. And that is okay. since Warner Brothers also own sperman and DC characters. How about the freeway chase scene? this is the most exciting chase scene that I ever sat though. The last time that I ever saw a more action-pack chase scene, I had to go back to 1985 for the film \"To Live and Die in LA,\" and in 1986 for \"Running Scared,\" and in 1991 for \"The Terminator 2.\" The third Matrix movie is schuduled to be release in November and I can\'t hardly wait.
May 21, 2003
I loved the special effects in this movie especially the superman scenes. I thought the car chase scenes were the best I've seen.

I felt somewhat cheated when Nemo confronted the Architect though. It lacked something and was hard to understand. I didn't like the fact I have to wait until September to see the conclusion of the episode.
I paid to see a movie and now I have to pay more to see the ending.

I have to say though this film needs to be seen at the big screen to be really enjoyed.
May 22, 2003
Just like the old saying "Same ole Same ole" Nothing new just the same as the first. Let's get real, create something new even if it is a sequal.
May 22, 2003
May 23, 2003
Right now I will give this movie a rating of GOOD. However, I will not review it, because it really would be reviewing a movie after just watching half of it.

I guess the other half will determine if this needs a SEE NOW or a STAY AWAY.

Right now, what I can say is that what i've been able to see of the movie, looks ok, the movie itself had some awesome special effects, although nothing really new, they just kind of improved on the old system.

So yes, so far I'm liking it, and again, the ending will determine if I like it or not.
May 26, 2003
Kind of a good and 1/2. It was almost, not quite, as good as the first. The highway chase alone, is worth the price of admission. Yeah, the plot is confusing, but so was the first's.

Better then a "good" rating, not quite a "See Now!"
Jun 10, 2003
Just go see it. It rocks. I loved this movie.
Jun 17, 2003
Jun 21, 2003
What a clunky script. Talky, bombastic, mind-deadening.

The CG effects are not seamless; the fight scenes, tedious; the love story tepid.

Talk about a loss of momentum. This movie makes it clear just how good the first one was.

Our hero makes no progress, the death knell of a hero-based story. The interaction is so disjointed that no sense of ensemble or teamwork is ever established. Jada Pinkett-who? Why is she in this story?

The only bright spot is Agent Smith, who provides the only humor. The Oracle is the only part in the script worthy of attention and played to perfection by the only person in the cast who can act, apparently. The rest of the movie is just noise and Morpheus-blather.

I'm afraid even a full-frontal scene of Trinity could not save this movie... and we are denied even that.

Moss fans should rent Memento; Matrix fans should read the Bible.
Jun 23, 2003
Oct 7, 2003
Oct 26, 2003

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