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Academy Award® Nominee
A story about three men - a jockey, a trainer, and a businessman - and the down-and-out racehorse that took them and the entire nation on the ride of a lifetime.

Starring Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Elizabeth Banks...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jul 26, 2003
This was one of the best movies of the year, in my opinion. It had heart and humor and courage. I cannot recommend this movie highly enough. It's not just about a horse, it's about second chances - and third chances and how one little horse gave a nation hope for the future.

A definite "See Now" - then see it again.
Jul 28, 2003
This is a must see movie.It is much more then a story about a horse, it's a story about courage and the sheer will to overcome all that stands in the way. I can honestly say that in 40 yrs of watching movies, that this is the first movie that I have seen the audiance so moved with emmotion that there was clapping and cheering as in live theatre.
Jul 29, 2003
I loved this movie as I am very interested in horse racing. The movie was way more than just horse racing it had an excellent story line easy to follow and very very emotional. (rated at 1 full box of tissues)...also it took you through a whole range of emotions....as a really good movie can do...do yourself and your family a favor and go SEE IT NOW!!!!

Jul 29, 2003
Seabiscuit was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. When you go see it I would suggest you take lots of tissue along . When the movie was over no one was in a hurry to leave. I think we were all waiting for our eyes to clear up.

If I were you , I would drop everything and go see that movie.

I would rate the movie 5 out of 5 Stars.
Jul 31, 2003
An excellent movie for horseracing fans, you need to have a little knowledge of the sport. Although, those who love horses will enjoy the movie also. Some parts of the movie were a little slow. Not a movie that will keep your attention unless you are a die hard horseracing fan.
Aug 2, 2003
An excellent movie. Brings back memories when hope for a better future and ideals were of value. To bad most of the people there were the older generation. Go see it. Maybe the best movie that I have seen this year.
Aug 6, 2003
An excellent movie about three men and one horse, all brough together by tragic circustances. \"Seabiscult\" is a film about a horse and what a horse he was. This is a true story about a horse who brought pride back into people who were harmed by the Great Depression. This film will help young people to study the Great Depression, because history shouldn\'t be taken lighty. Toby McGuire is the rider who lost an eye while boxing. Jeff Bridges is the business owner who lost his son in an accident, and Chris Cooper is the owner who put his faith in a horse no one wants. Watching \"Seabiscult\" go around the track with the other horses is one of the most exciting moments I have ever experienced as a filmgoer.
Sep 9, 2003
Goes for all the tears it can get, but the film keeps moving with good performances. The trailers gave away some of the best lines.
Sep 28, 2003
You really get into the characters. This was a great movie in every respect.
Oct 26, 2003
Dec 21, 2003
Seabiscuit is like Rocky on horses; you'll be cheering for Seabiscuit and his rider, Red Pollack (superbly played by Tobey Maguire), the whole time while you're getting to know the fascinating duo and their surroundings better.

Seabiscuit is a rich film, both emotionally and visually...some of the scenery is astonishingly beautiful. Maguire brings an unexpected depth of maturity to his role, which was a really pleasant surprise. Jeff Bridges does fine, as well as William H. Macy, who is the funniest, most deadpan character in the whole film.

This film harkens back to the old days of moviemaking when the flicks had morals, the stars were like porcelain dolls, and movies were uniquely beautiful. Don't get me wrong, I actually prefer modern films over these, but it's nice to see a movie today containing real magic and raw emotion without being animated.

4/4 - See Now! (currently ranks as #70 on my Top 100)
Dec 27, 2003
Nice story, it makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over. A definite must see!
Dec 27, 2003
Mar 1, 2004
This was an enjoyable film, but not so much so that I would have nominated it for Best Film.

Jeff Bridges reprises his role of Preston Tucker for this movie, as the characters are so similar in style, I once thought he was going to build a car instead of race horses. Tobey Maguire and Chris Cooper do a good job of completing the triangle of friendship (not counting the horse).

I'm sure that if you're into horses and horse racing, this film appeals on a greater level. Outside of that, it is a good film that speaks to what people can do when properly inspired and supported by others.

It's an uplifting film and well worth seeing either in the theater or on DVD. Recommended.

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