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Starsky & Hutch
In this prequel of the TV show, Dave Starsky and Ken Hutchinson become partners in the Bay City Police Department and their first case is a former college campus drug dealer turned big-time...  View more >

Starring Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Mar 7, 2004
Mar 7, 2004
"Starsky & Hutch" is what "Charlie's Angels 2" wanted to be. Whereas the latter movie tried way too hard, "S&H" tries just hard enough, and it works. There's virutally nothing new about this movie. Not only is it an update of an old TV show, but it follows just about every buddy cop movie cliche you can imagine. There's the anal boss who asks for the badges, the bullying other cops on the force, and cool cars. What this movie does different is focus on the comedy rather than the action. All of the action in this movie is sprinkles with laughter. The highlight of the film is scene in which a little boy attacks the two heroes with knives.

The cast here is stellar. Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson have worked together a lot before, and it shows here. They compliment each other nicely.

Snoop Dogg plays their police informant, and he too is hilarious. Vince Vaughn plays the rather nondescript villain well enough, but the scene stealer here is Will Farrell, in the bit part of "Big Earl."

There were a few things that bothered me. Some jokes, such as Starsky ingesting cocaine and tripping out run for way too long. The end of the movie is funny at first, but in the end throws off the tone of the movie too much to be worth it.

All in all, "Starsky and Hutch" is a very enjoyable movie, not to mention that it's whole lot better than most of the other crap that comes out in the winter months.
Mar 10, 2004
\"Starsky and Hutch\" is a funny comedy based on the series in the 1970\'s. I haven\'t watch the show, I\'d rather watch PBS programming. but back to the movie. I think it\'s funny in both talent and script. the exchange between Ben Stillewr and Owen Wilson reminded me of the barbs between Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. Snoop Dogg did Justice with Huggy Bear. this is best performance by Mr. Snoop Dogg. The music score which consist of 1970\'s music is right on. So\'s this movie.
Mar 12, 2004
I was a fan of the series. I found the film a bit uneven, but it was funny and it did not tail off near the end. Dislike Vince Vaughn.
Mar 22, 2004
Owen Wilson has finally found a role that he can handle! I've not liked his past movies, and now I see that he was being stretched too far in those other roles. He's still playing the same character, only this time, it's the right character for the movie he's in!

I was expecting very little from this film and it delivered! The 70's cheese is all there, from the clothing and hairstyles, to the disco and home decorating from the green and goldenrod era. Topping it all off was the "Sounds of the 70's" soundtrack.

If this movie was like the TV series, I guess I don't remember the TV series very well, because I don't remember the primary characters being this cornball. However, the Torino was spot-on -- very cool!

When you see this movie, expect a lot of corny comedy built on top of the "Starsky & Hutch" theme. Turn your brain off, lower your expectations (no, lower than that), and have a good time. It's a good thing Mr. Stiller and Wilson made an appearance at this year's Oscars pitching the movie, since they certainly won't be anywhere near the golden statue next year.
Mar 27, 2004
Apr 2, 2004
A movie to be seen at the big screen. I had fun with this movie and really enjoyed seeing it. I loved the ending. Thanks for the memories.
Apr 6, 2004
While it had some moments most of it was pretty lame. Not a real good effort, story or acting.
May 29, 2004

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