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National Treasure
All his life, a third generation treasure hunter has been searching for a treasure amassed through the ages and moved across continents, it has become the greatest treasure the world has ever known....  View more >

Starring Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Bartha...  View more >

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Reviews Summary

Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Nov 23, 2004
Although it got a little long it was a good movie. Would be good for any member of the family
Nov 25, 2004
I would rate this movie good to see for almost the entire family. It is a fantasy plot and has some predictable moments. It's a good afternoon diversion.
Nov 27, 2004
Very suspenseful, but very funny!
Dec 2, 2004
"National Treasure" is nothing more than a Indiana Jones wannabe. the clues are there, but the film's direction and script made the film very silly. as a result, the film became unwatchable. The film came in first place for two weeks running and I'm simply clueless. Nicolas Cage did his best, but "National Treasure" isn't at it's best. There's very little to like about a film that goes nowhere but down.
Dec 4, 2004
A little predictable but enjoyable. Take the whole family.
Dec 14, 2004
Sure, the film won't win any Oscars. Of course its just trying to cash in on the Da Vinci Code popularity. Still a very entertaining movie.
Dec 14, 2004
A very entertaining movie with some great special effects. Don't wait for the video, you have to see this one at the big screen.
Dec 19, 2004
It was overall good but had a long ensing to it..keeps you on the edge of your seat during some parts of the movie.
Dec 30, 2004
Better yet, rent any of the Indiana Jones films.
Dec 31, 2004
Jan 9, 2005
Feb 28, 2005
I enjoy movies that are similar to National Treasure, so I was prepared to enjoy this one. It's like Indiana Jones meets the Da Vinci Code in the way that it weaves history, a treasure map, and a charismatic treasure hunter.

Nicolas Cage is the aforementioned Treasure Hunter, and he can be annoying or good depending on the role. Here, he's pretty good. The deadpan humor is mixed well with the action, and Diane Kruger is much more watchable than her role in Troy.

If you're looking for something to see in the theater, or if you need something to watch when this gets released on DVD, you won't go wrong with National Treasure.
Mar 12, 2005
Mar 25, 2005
Apr 21, 2005
Nicholas Cage is not the greatest actor but anyone who loves history and is willing to think a little beyond reality will love this movie!
Dec 27, 2007
This movie was good, but was somewhat too predictable. It seemed as if there was not enough plot behind the film. There was a good set-up, and good action, but the ending seemed like a sort of a let-down. It's a fine movie, but don't expect something spectacular.
Apr 2, 2013

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