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Spider-Man 2 Academy Award® Winner Two years have passed, and the mild-mannered Peter Parker faces new challenges as he struggles with "the gift and the curse," desperately trying to balance his dual identities as the web-slinging... View more > Starring Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Alfred Molina... View more > Reviews SummaryPlease Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities. Jun 30, 2004
I really enjoyed this movie even more than the first!! I heard an interview with Kirsten Dunst where she mentioned that this one hold more true to the comic book like feel of the story, and this movie definitely displayed that in both its humor and visual display. The story is good, with a bad guy that actually has some complexity, and the action scenes left me at the edge of my seat. You also get a little more character development as relationships evolve, and it really ties up a lot of loose strings from the first one, while leaving even more open for a third! I think both spidey fanatics and the casual watcher will love this movie! Jun 30, 2004
Run, do not walk, to see this movie. If you are into superhero/comic book movies, run, do not walk, to see this movie. If you are into action movies with heart and character -- run, do not walk, to see this movie. I saw the midnight showing on the Ultrascreen. Fantastic super-hero flick, outdoes the first movie, and it just nails the characters so beautifully. You actually care about everyone on the screen. There are a few things that might be considered "bad" points, but I can't describe them without spoiling. This is one movie that lives up to the hype, and one sequel that outdoes its predecessor. Did I tell you to run, not walk, to see this movie? -Phil Jul 2, 2004
The first movie to give Superman and Batman a true run for their money as, "The Best Superhero Movie." Outstanding movie, took everything that went on in the first and expanded on it, creating a much deeper, fuller story. Really nothing bad to say about the movie, the best of the summer so far. Jul 4, 2004
I am not a "super hero" type of movie viewer, but Spiderman 2 was action packed. The movie clipped along from action scene to action scene at a fast pace. The characters were well developed and not the typical clear cut "good guy / bad guy" of other such super hero flicks. The surgery scene was a little too violent for me, but I did peek between my fingers. This scene might be too much for children under ten. Jul 6, 2004
Spider-Man 2 lives up the reviews, and to its status as a sequel. On its own, it's a pretty good comic book action movie. There's a fair amount of humor, good action scenes, and a decent villain. The Mary Jane Watson and Peter Parker love affair sub-plot even goes pretty smoothly. By the "2" in its title, however, it is most obviously a sequel. The opening credits bring you up to speed by hitting the highlights of the first movie in comic book storyboard fashion, so it's a good idea to have seen the first to understand some of the finer points of the second (most notably the friction between Peter Parker and his best friend Harry). The first movie is also pretty good for a comic book movie, so I recommend seeing that one first and then seeing #2 shortly thereafter (maybe a double feature?). Alfred Molina does a pretty good job at playing the villain. Not nearly as sinister as the Green Goblin, nor as charismatic as some of the Batman villains, Doc Ock is dangerous enough to serve his purpose and the fight scene between him and Spider-Man on the subway train is pretty good. It's not like you need a recommendation from me to see this film, as it's probably the most anticipated movie of the summer, but if you're on the fence, this is two hours well spent. Jul 8, 2004
Jul 8, 2004
I can't even describe how good it was in words :-) Jul 10, 2004
"Spider-Man 2" has certainly improved itself since the first Spider-Man two years ago. Peter Parker has its share of troubles, especially with work and romance. One top of every else JJ Janson keeps fire him and Aunt May is on the verge of eviction. I love the action scenes, especially Spider-Man battles with Doctor Octopus are along the best of the year. Alfred Molina's protrayal of Doctor Octopus is the best protrayal of a comic book villian since Jack Nicholson's Joker in "Batman." I think comic book fan and non-comic book fans will have fun with the movie. I have no trouble with the film since I read comic books from 1972-1987. I compare and contrast between the big screen and the comic book. Half of the fun of seeing this movie. "Spider-Man 2" really soares. Jul 10, 2004
Good, not awesome. Dr. Oct is not a great villain. Jul 13, 2004
I truely enjoyed this movie. Go see it as soon as you can. Jul 13, 2004
Entertaining Jul 16, 2004
There are a couple of truly inspirational scenes in this movie. Yet, it seems to suffer from some of the same shortcomings that the first Spider man did. I still believe that the CGI is over the top. Just showing Spider Man playing with kids in the park for 5 minutes would be 100 times more riveting than the scenes with expensive CGI eye candy. Show the web coming from his wrists right toward the camera once or twice. Jul 21, 2004
awesome...... theres nothing else to say, its just to good for words Jul 23, 2004
The original, despite being hampered by a poorly-designed villain and some slightly routine action scenes, inspired a complete sense of awe with its webslinging scenes, and established the most compelling characters ever seen in a comic book movie. But the awe has worn off, so the filmmakers needed to do something different to dazzle us all over again. And boy, did they ever. "Spider-Man 2" is bigger and better in every way. The principle characters are more well-acted, particularly James Franco, who I was slightly dubious about seeing as a villain down the road (Harry will become the new Green Goblin at some point to exact his revenge on Spider-Man), but now I think he can pull it off. Alfred Molina makes a pitch-perfect Doc Ock. He's not genuinely evil, and we feel sorry for him. Doc Ock also has an evil plan to carry out, besides the Goblin's rather dull, uninteresting goal of "killing Spider-Man." Doc Ock wants to kill Spider-Man AND lots of other people. He's also the most badass villain there has ever been in a comic book movie, hands-down (although I think Danny Devito's Penguin may have been scarier), and he and Spider-Man have some truly spectacular throwdowns, with spinning camera angles and lots of inventive use of super-powers. Spider-Man 2 also develops the characters further, especially towards the end, which throws some serious "No way!" surprising moments at the audience. So all in all, Spider-Man 2 is the perfect sequel: better action, better villain, better effects, better acting, better character development, and best of all, a perfect setup for "Spider-Man 3." Bring it on. This one's an instant classic. **** out of 4. Jul 27, 2004
Now that's more like it! One Thousand times better than the first! Great action sequences and at least this time when the villan speaks with Spiderman, it's not like I'm watching Power Rangers! Doc Oc it excellent! Great acting! I found myself going "whoa" a lot to unexpected scenes! Plus Kirsten Dunst looks really beautiful in this movie (a major plus in my book!). Jul 28, 2004
Jul 31, 2004
It was a very good movie. Go and see it! Aug 1, 2004
The action scenes--when these happened--were good. However, if you've seen the previews you've seen much of the action. There was more romance and slow moving scenes to make this that great a movie. Disappointing. Aug 14, 2004
I'm not really a superhero fan unless you count Kim Possible, but this movie was an exception it was GREAT! i see no reason for it to be PG-13. Aug 17, 2004
Sep 4, 2004
Whether you are a comic book fan or not, this movie is a must see. The story line rings true for the comic book fanatic, and the action and trials and tribulations that Peter Parker must go through are enough to keep anyone in blissful suspense. Jul 19, 2012
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