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Walk the Line
Academy Award® Winner
The early years in the career of American music legend Johnny Cash. The young Cash sets out on life's journey battered by his brother's accidental death and an abusive father, who blames him for the...  View more >

Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon, Robert Patrick...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Nov 22, 2005
This was an excellent movie. Go see it. It is an Academy Award winner!
Nov 23, 2005
Nov 23, 2005
\"Walk the Line\" is the story of singer Johnny Cash. As the movie opens, you can hear the sound of inmates pounding their feet on the floor to the background music. That is the opening of the film. Someone reminded Cash not to sing prison sontgs in front of the prisoners, but Cash will not listern to any of it. He\'ll sing any song he wants and that\'s it. The film reminded me of my childhood when me and my family listerned to his music around my house. It brough back memories as I saw this movie. Joaquin Phoenix gave the performance of a life protraying a man who despite drug problems, has see them all though music. He wrote songs about being in jail which maybe the reason are the prisoners as his biggest fans. Reese Witherspoon gave another memorable performance, two months after she gave a similiar memorable performance in \"Just Like Heaven.\" The chemistry between Phoneix and Witherspoon is incredible. The best chemistry between two performaers in years. If you want to hear some good music, you come to the right place. The film is \"Walk the Line.\"
Nov 25, 2005
Nov 25, 2005
The movie was excellent! The music was awesome. Acting could not have been better. Can you tell I loved it !!!!
Nov 26, 2005
Whether you're a true Johnny Cash fan or not, you're bound to find "Walk the Line" an incredible film, to say the least. I've seen it twice already, and I'd be willing to see it again. Multiple times. I wouldn't say I'm a Johnny Cash fan, nor were my parents, so I never grew up listening to his music or anything like that. I'm familiar with his songs and who he is, but I could never say that I've been a real fan.

I saw "Walk the Line" because of its media-hype, and its starring performers (I say "performers" here instead of "actors," because Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon not only acted the parts of Johnny Cash and June Carter, but sang their songs and played their instruments as well). Both Phoenix and Witherspoon give knock-out performances, and their vocals are stunning. Phoenix is the stronger of the two vocally, capturing Cash's "steady like a train, sharp like a razor" voice. Witherspoon is impressive as well, displaying a very believable June Carter-ish Nashville twang.

"Walk the Line" may be considered a love story more than a biopic, chartering Johnny Cash's life from childhood through his marriage to June Carter: his relationship with her during the time in between being the main focus. Viewers will catch a glimpse of Cash's depressing childhood, to his time served in the Air Force where he writes his first song, "Folsom Prison Blues," to his label audition for Sam Phillips of Sun Records, to his first on-stage performance. We get to see Cash meet his soulmate June Carter while touring with her, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, and others. We see Cash fall apart due to drug abuse, and the strain his love of June Carter puts on his first marriage. We get to see the true-love connection between him and June, as she fights by his side to win the battle of his drug addiction; lending her time, support, love, and family.

"Walk the Line" is a powerful film, and truly a masterpiece. Whether you're a Johnny Cash fan or not, don't waste another moment: See it now!
Dec 3, 2005
Very well done
Dec 19, 2005
Dec 25, 2005
This is a MUST SEE. The movie ended too soon and it was 2 hours and 15 minutes. Some are too long at half that time. You won't regret seeing this movie, it's just amazing that they had to literally take voice lessons and did the actual singing. WONDERFUL A plus plus !
Jan 2, 2006
It is a great movie and has everything anybody could ever want in a movie. Its so cool especially for johnny cash fans.
Jan 19, 2006

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