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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Academy Award® Nominee Midway through both his training and his coming-of-age, Harry wants to get away from the Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with his friends, Hermione and Ron, and Ron's family. Harry... View more > Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint... View more > Reviews SummaryPlease Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities. Nov 16, 2005
Nov 18, 2005
Great movie!! It is better though if you have put off reading the book. I normally do not see a movie twice but would consider going again. Nov 18, 2005
Nov 18, 2005
Excellent movie!! It lives up to its reputation. I would most defiantly see this one again in theaters. I wish they could have added more things from the book (GOF is my favorite book). This movie may be a little hard for younger children to grasp (for those of you who have read the book I am referring to the end, I don't want to spoil anything for those of you on only have seen the movies. I loved it and hope the following movies are just as good! Nov 19, 2005
The first two "Harry Potter" movies were plagued by their slavishly faithful interpretations of the novels, making them seems more like very expensive books on tape than actuall movies. The third movie moved away from this trend, cutting a lot of filler and mkaing for a leaner, faster-moving interpretation. THe fourth film in the series goes even one step further and pretty much cuts out anything we've seen before. No Quidditch, no Dursleys, no moving staircases, very few talking pictures. The result is perhaps the fastest-paced two and a half hour long movie I have ever seen. Several major characters are relegated to backseat roles in favor of better pacing: Alan Rickman does little but glower and sneer as Snape, Draco Malfoy has only one major scene in the whole movie, and Robbie Coltrane's Hagrid doesn't fare much better. Given expanded roles are Dumbledore, played with righteous authority by Michael Gambon, and the hilarious Weasley twins, who provide a good amount of the comic relief in the film. Making their debuts here are the throwaway comic character Rita Skeeter (Miranda Richardson), Mad-Eye Moody, played by Brendan Gleeson, who steals every single scene he's in, and Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort. Voldemort is being touted by some as the cinematic heir apparent to Darth Vader, and for good reason. His scene is one of the creepiest I've seen in awhile, and Fiennes plays him with a slithery, whispery menace. At one point Voldemort says something that completely convinced me that he believed he has a righteous cause and Harry was only standing in the way of greatness. The pace of "Goblet of Fire" never flags from beginning to end. The acting, especially that of the three lead kids, only improves with every movie. The special effects are absolutely beautiful, often taking the Peter Jackson route of not even trying to look realistic, merely beautiful (or frightening). Walking out of the theatre, I found I couldn't wait to see movie #5, and the showdown between Dumbledore and Voldemort. **** out of 4 Nov 20, 2005
Nov 23, 2005
Nov 23, 2005
Movie was really good but did not follow the book as much as I would have liked. I hate the new Dumbledore, and Krum wasn't what I would have picked. All and all it was a good movie. Nov 24, 2005
Really Impressive display in every scene of the Movie Nov 24, 2005
Nov 25, 2005
Very good movie. The only complaint is that I really miss Richard Harris, Micheal Gambon is a good actor, but he's just not Dumbledore. But, its a small complaint, and doesn't hurt the movie too bad. The movies just keep getting better. Nov 27, 2005
Nov 29, 2005
Nov 30, 2005
Harry Potter did it again. \"Harry Potter and the Gobiet of Fire\" had me wanting for more and I got. I though the thrid film was dark, well, the fourth one just got darker. I notice the change of tyhe classmantes, especailly Emma Watson who is get more beautiful by each passing movie. In the fourth film, Harry has entered into the Tri-Wizard Tournment. I can\'t say no more, youn just going to have to watch to outcome youself. The fourth Harry Potter movie is fun to watch despite to dark formant. I haven\'t read the books yet, but hopefully I shall take time from my busy schudule to read them from the beginning. the fifth movie will be out in June 2007 and I can\'t wait to go back to Hogwarth again. Dec 1, 2005
I have never been a big Harry Potter fan and I felt like this movie was just like the other 3. Nothing that great about it except for the special effects, but if you are a H P fan then you will probably love it because all of my friends who are big H P fans loved this new one. Dec 9, 2005
I think the movie would be confusing at points if you haven\'t read the book. Still worth seeing. Dec 11, 2005
Don't miss seeing it on the big screen. Dec 11, 2005
I loved this movie. It had great effects, this was my favorite of all the books so far. I wish there could have been more of the book in the movie. I love seeing Dan, Emma, and Rupert growing up into such amazing actors. Go and see the movie if you enjoyed the others. You will not be disappointed! Dec 28, 2005
Probably my favorite of the Potter movies so far. Whomever rates this as a "STAY AWAY" should not be allowed to rate movies because this film was action-packed, had awesome visual effects, and had me on the edge my seat the entire time. Again, this one might be hard to follow for non-readers, but I'd love to see it again. Jan 4, 2006
I didn't feel this was as good as the previous three movies. It was solid but there was a noticeable drop off in charm. Maybe part of that is due to the kids growing up. Jan 5, 2006
I loved it was great and harry looked preey good in black Jan 7, 2006
Loved the movie but sure wish they would have turned on the sub-titles whenever any of the three kid principals started talking. After this many movies you would think they could speak english without that dreadful accent the three of them have. Other than that, the film was super. I'm gonna rent a copy as soon as it comes out so that I can actually find out what they said. Jan 10, 2006
Jan 24, 2006
I for one liked this movie and would go and see it again because it is that good. Can't wait until the dvd comes out with all the extra things on it. If your kidss like the first three then they will love this one.... Even Adults can sit there and enjoy this movie...... I would give it 8 1\2 out off 10.. Oct 13, 2012
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