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Akeelah and the Bee
Akeelah Anderson is an eleven-year-old girl from south Los Angeles with a gift for words. Despite the objections of her mother, Akeelah enters various spelling contests, for which she is tutored by...  View more >

Starring Laurence Fishburne, Angela Bassett, Keke Palmer...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Apr 23, 2006
I enjoyed this movie, even though cynics can rightly say that there is little new ground tread with this movie.

The performances are very good, and newcomer Keke Palmer does a good job of the title role. Angela Bassett doesn't do much that demands a striking performance, but she's OK. Laurence Fishburne, on the other hand, does an amazing job as the role model and mentor of young Akeelah, giving her the confidence to allow her spelling talent to take her places.

Akeelah and the Bee would make for a great family movie night. Combine this with a dinner and maybe even dust off that game of Scrabble you have on the top shelf of the game closet. Even if your child doesn't have aspirations of going to the National Spelling Bee, it's still worth seeing and enjoying.
May 1, 2006
This is a movie of overcoming inner city pressure, a community coming together and cultures learning about each other and challenging cultural stereotypes to achieve a victory that can only come from hard work and self-sacrifice.

This movie brought tears and cheers from the audience when I took my family to see Akeela and the Bee this past Saturday. So for my money and what this movie teaches about life it gets a thumbs up rating from me.
May 18, 2006
\"Akeelah and the Bee\" is a good but not great movie about a little girl who spell her way out of the ghetto and into the finals. Keke Palmer did a great performance. Also great is Laurence Fishburne who may have gave another Oscar performance. The best moments in the movie are the kids who stand and deliver right in front of the audience and the judges. \"Akeelah and the Bee\" is a smart movie about a group of smart kids.
Jul 4, 2006
Formulaic, but very well done.
Jul 12, 2006
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Despite being formulaic, the performances elevate the material making it a must see.
Jul 15, 2009
i loved the movie!!!! i wouldnt think kids under 9 would understand it but pre-teens and teens would enjoy this and even adults too.

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