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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizarding community has been denied the truth about the teenager's recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort.... View more > Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint... View more > Reviews SummaryPlease Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities. Jul 12, 2007
After four movies, the series is beginning to show it\'s age as the kids are growing up. It was yesterday that the kids are fighting for the house cup. Now the same group of kids are figting for their lives. In the MTV Movie Awards, I voted \"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix\" as the best move I haven\'t seen. Well I saw it and I glad that I voted for that movie. In the fifth installment, Harry Potter is having a hard time convincing everyone that Voldemont is back. but he\'s isn\'t the only villain in the movie. A teacher comes to Hogwart and shortly afterward has taken over the school, and issue so many strick rulkes that you have to have a broomstick to read some of the rules. I like Voldmont. He\'s a better villain than that Dr. Doom from \"Fantastic Four:The Rise of the Silver Surfer.\" The old cast is back. And I\'m glad. Although the fifth movie is not as good as any of the four movies, My heart is still with Harry and the Hogwart students. I\'m looking forward for the last two movies. I had fun with those movies. As for the books, I still going though the first book in the series. The series is still high flying. Jul 13, 2007
As always another great Potter movie. I really loved the movie, but I couldn't quite give it a see now. This movie is defiantly darker, and I doubt that smaller children will understand it. I was a little disappointed only because one of my favorite characters die and it was not played as sad as it should have been. Take the time to see the movie while it is still on the big screen. Jul 13, 2007
Awsome! Jul 14, 2007
While acknowledging that the entire book cannot be represented in the movie, Order of the Phoenix barely resembled the book. It didn't even match the hype of the trailers. (If you saw the trailers, you've seen the movie.) If I were JK Rowling, I'd be pitching a fit!! Scenes were out of story timeline, essential backstory was not present, liberties were taken by expanding parts of scenes that don't occur in the book. I was almost rooting for the Ministry of Magic to prevail. It wasn't worth the price of the ticket to see this distorted version of what to date has been an exciting series. Another example of why the book is always so much better than the movie. Let's hope that Half Blood Prince resembles the book more closely than this poor excuse...although that's unlikely since several of the pieces of backstory needed to understand Half Blood Prince weren't present in Order of the Phoenix. Jul 15, 2007
Jul 15, 2007
great movie u won't be able to tear your eyes from the screen til the end Jul 28, 2007
Jul 29, 2007
This is one of the better book to movie transformations in the series. Jul 31, 2007
This one was not as good as all the other ones. I was honestly a little dissappointed. Aug 13, 2007
Aug 14, 2007
It was a dark book so naturally it was a dark movie. Not the typical fun type movie as in the past with Harry Potter but it held true to the story line. True Harry Potter fans will appreciate this movie. Aug 31, 2007
Oct 26, 2007
Loved it and so did my 12 year old. We love all the Harry Potters. Apr 20, 2017
As much as I am a Harry Potter fan, I've got to say that this is my least favorite movie. It is not due to movie quality, but the contents. Otherwise, the animation was very well done. After seeing this the first time, I wanted to cry, however seeing it another time gave me a chance to really appreciate what the director did with the movie. I would recommend it for all families with kids over the age of 10 years. It gets a little intense which is why I would say watch it when it will be light out when the movie is over. Happy watching!🙂 Oct 21, 2023
This movie serves as the bridge between the world-building and wonder of it all and the ultimate climax that is inevitable between the forces of good and evil. Given the ending of ‘The Goblet of Fire,” it’s understandable that the tone of this movie is different than those which came before. There’s a lot of angst, which can be a thing with teenagers. Just as it gets tedious, things shift and the story picks up speed. It also gets more interesting and makes you eager to continue when the credits begin to roll. Looking for more opinions?Check out our Featured Movie Reviews for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. |
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