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Academy Award® Winner
A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the...  View more >

Starring Patton Oswalt, Brian Dennehy, Brad Garrett...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jul 4, 2007
Very well done, the whole family can enjoy. The animation is great.
Jul 6, 2007
The animation was terrific. The storyline was well done.
Jul 10, 2007
Another hit from Pixar which can do no wrong in the amination department. I\'ve been a big fan of Pixar since \"Toy Story\" broke new ground in amination in 1995. Now some 12 years later, Pixar\'s lick still holds. Their newest movie \"Ratatouille\" is about a rat name Remy who\'s dream is become a chef at a famous culinary. The real problem is that he\'s a rat and rats are unwelcome in the kitchen. So with help from a lonely dishwasher, the two learn how to cook from each other. He also got help from the ghost of Auguste Gusteau, who is Remy\'s hero. All the action takes place in the French restaurent where Gusteau once worked. they made food that is way above the stuff you find at Macdonald\'s. The villain is the head chef who is hiding a secret from the world and the dishwasher love intrest is a fellow female chef. I love the amination of this movie I love the way the characters are drawn. I also love the backdrop of the city of Paris. It has captured the spirit of the movie. \"Ratatatouille\" is a wonderful cartoon for everyone. You might learn something from cooking. So eat something before you come to the theatre, the food in this movie is yummy and you\'ll be a bit hungary.
Jul 13, 2007
this was by far one of the best animated movies lately. non stop laughs for the whole family!
Jul 15, 2007
My husband and I enjoyed this very much. It was a cute/funny film and a nice way to spend almost 2 hours. The time flew by. It wasn't a 'belly-laugher' but very funny and touching.
Jul 21, 2007
this is a great movie for all ages! My 14 year old and my 4 year old both saw it twice they loved it soo much.
Feb 10, 2008
How in the world can a movie about a rat, and a rat who wants to be a French chef on top of it, be geared towards kids and enjoyable for adults at the same time?

In the capable hands of the geniuses at Pixar, such a feat is possible.

In classic Pixar fashion, the movie starts out very interesting and ends very well, with only a brief lull in the middle that risks losing the more attention-deficit in the audience. The supporting characters are developed just as well as the primary character of Remy, and they serve as effective foils for his various characteristics and ambitions.

Since this movie is primarily targeted to kids, I am happy to report that a 7 year old and a 3 year old enjoyed it immensely, and I've never heard of a kid that didn't enjoy it. Also, like all Pixar movies, there are enough tidbits for adults to enjoy in addition to the well-done story and the excellent animation and sound work.

Highly recommended!
May 27, 2012

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