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District 9 Academy Award® Nominee Over twenty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees, the last... View more > Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, David James... View more > Reviews SummaryPlease Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities. Aug 15, 2009
A total waste of money! Aug 17, 2009
Thoughtful and visual. Character driven with action. One of the top films of the summer. Aug 18, 2009
After Transformers 2, I saw little hope for a good summer block buster. District 9 is perhaps the best action/sci-fi since, well...Jurassic Park? Peter Jackson brings us a film that is a little slow to start and dynamite by the end. Throughout the film, we can identify with our character as he soon realizes the hidden truths within the MNU organization of District 9. Through a mix of camcorders, news updates, and motion picture clips, we (the audience) are hunted with the main character, as we discover the aliens may not be as "radical" as portrayed in the media. And the CGI is as real as the news cameras portray. Jackson also offers an excellent storyline...common story elements such as foreshadowing, climax, and character development are uniquely configured into the multi-media camera shots. Once again, Jackson brings an epic film to the big screen...another great addition to the Peter Jackson legacy. Aug 19, 2009
A very poor movie. If you cut everything from thr previews to the last 15 minutes it would be a lot better. Aug 19, 2009
Ignore the stay away....probably under 16 years old. Very well done movie. Pretty political...but It makes you think. Main character a little cartoonish in the beginning. Good action...nice effects. Camera action is less annoying than cloverfield. Def a must see. Aug 19, 2009
A somewhat good science fiction movie about aliens who arrived on Earth some twenty years ago and now is forced to enter into a another district called district 10. District 9 is the title of the movie. Aliens look like grasshoppers stand upright has been forced out of their home by a grovernment agancy. One of the workers whose in the center of the movie, had an accident and discovered that he is changing to look like one of them. He's see what it's like when someone or something has been discriminated. a real eye-opening movie. Aug 19, 2009
All i have to say is EPIC!!!! Watch it!!!!! Aug 19, 2009
Might be the best Science Fiction movie is recent memory. Its well written, well acted and well directed. It has a visual style that is effective and creative and the alien design is very well done.The characters are all very real, and that includes the aliens. They aren't just CGI eye candy, they're real, fleshed out characters. Great movie, well worth seeing. Aug 20, 2009
I went into this movie with somewhat heightened expectations, which is usually a bad idea for any movie. Often, the movie cannot live up the hype piled around it. Fortunately for District 9, the hype was mild and it came from reviewers and moviegoers, and not the movie studio pushing the product down our throats until we relent and see the movie in the hopes that they will stop. District 9 is a science fiction movie in the truest sense, as opposed to a sci-fi blockbuster epic-wannabe. I doubt that we'll see any action figures, no happy meal tie-ins, and probably no animated series to milk the concept for all its worth. It uses aliens as a surrogate for an all-too-familiar human story, where oppression of a class of society and poor living conditions lead to more oppression, animosity, fear, and forced relocations. This movie plays like an anti-blockbuster. There are no cities being blown up, no morphing robots and seemingly ordinary people (being played by glamorous factory girls and familiar faces) saving the world, with complete lack of regard for any kind of plot. So many movies in recent history are more about the cast list than the story. Take "Funny People" and "Transformers 2" as two examples, the first more egregious than the second, although that could be disputed by many. The fact that there are no recognizable actors in this movie makes it more effective. You're not automatically feeling one way or another about a character simply because of your preconceived notions of that actor and their past roles and celebrity status. It also helps that the unknown actors, especially lead actor Sharlto Copley, do a very good job. There are aliens, alien technology, and even a firefight between military troops and aliens using alien technology. The fact that this is all done with good taste, effective choreography, and emphasis on the "human" element of the struggle shows that not all sci-fi has to be brain-dead. Take note, Michael Bay! If you go into this movie expecting the next Transformers movie, you're going to be disappointed. If you go into it expecting something more on the order of 28 Days, you'll come out satisfied. Aug 23, 2009
This is the worst movie we have seen in years. We walked out of the theater about 1 hour into the movie. This movie is a bad attempt at a political statement about weapon proliferation and treatment of the poor or something else, not really sure the story line is so bad. Save your money. If you must see this for yourselves, look in the Wal-Mart bargain bin in a few months. Aug 24, 2009
I enjoyed District 9, it definitely was not made with one of the usual science fiction cookie cutters. My thought after the movie was how different this movie was from any other type of movie, it seems to be in a class of it's own. I thought they did a great job mixing in several filming styles and plots. If you like watching the news, enjoy on site news coverage, science fiction, adventure, politics, treachery, battle scenes, drama, and a little potty mouth, you should enjoy this film. The film has set up for a sequel in 3 years of the story line, can't wait for part #2. Enjoy this on the big screen. Aug 25, 2009
Very interesting take on human nature which isn't always a pretty picture. Very entertaining and exciting. Aug 30, 2009
I knew there would be apartheid subject scenario since the movie is based in S.Africa and the slums there have always been a "problem" for many years. Anyway I chose to leave the cinema after 15 mins because the camera movement made me feel ill and gave me a headache. A bit like watching a home movie that the kids had made for me. Probably one to watch at home where I can get up and take a breather now and then. Sep 6, 2009
And wait for it to be cheep rental....The ending was (last 10 minutes) was Transformer type action, but it was slow and the British accent or South Africa was hard to follow. People walked out and i wish i did too. I am over 40 and love sci-fi and horror but this one was a snoozer. Looking for more opinions?Check out our Featured Movie Reviews for District 9. |
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