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The Hurt Locker
Academy Award® Winner
A portrait of the courage under fire of the military's unrecognized heroes: the technicians of a bomb squad who volunteer to challenge the odds and save lives in one of the world's most dangerous...  View more >

Starring Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Ralph Fiennes...  View more >

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Reviews Summary

Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Aug 1, 2009
Truly dramatic film.
Aug 5, 2009
A real thriller of a movie. "the Hurt Locker" is an explosive movie which contain plenty of tension. A bit of tension is that someone will die because some one else is having a bad day. The film tells of the US Army Explosive unit, counting down the days before their tour of duty ends. Watching them trying to deternated a bomb is probaby more scary that \anything else I saw this year. The movie takes place in Iraq in 2004 when the men of that unit spend the day deternated a bomb and hoping to live another day.Director Kathyan Bigalow did a great job of getting this movie together. One of the best movies of 2009.
Aug 24, 2009
Outstanding movie, very good performances by the lead actors, especially Jeremy Renner. The entire film is tense and you really get a feel for the extreme danger these guys are in the entire time. Also, it helps that movie never preaches about the whether we should be in Iraq or not, it takes no sides in the debate, its all about this group of soldiers, the dangers they face, and their experiences in Iraq.

This is the best movie dealing with the War in Iraq, by far, and an outstanding movie in its own right.
Oct 13, 2012

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