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It's a Wonderful Life
Academy Award® Nominee
Jimmy Stewart stars in this classic about a man who contemplates suicide, only to be counseled by an angel (who needs to earn his wings) on what the world would be like if not for a man named George...  View more >

Starring James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
This movie is a classic. It is kind of an inspirational movie, especially if you've been down lately. It's a "lifter uper". It's great for the whole family.

Dec 8, 2001
A classic movie that been seen on television every Christmas. Not bad for a movie that became a boxoffice flop.

"It's A Wonderful Life" is a film about a man name George Bailey (played by James Stewart), who took over the savings and loan from his dead father, only to be confronted by the likes of Mr. Potter (Lionel Barrymore who went on to appear in "Key Largo" in 1947 starring Humphrey Bogart). Potter is mean, sits in a wheelchair and plots to take over the S&L, even that means getting over George's dead body to do it.

The film contained many memorable characters Uncle Billy, Violet Bick, Mr. Gower, Bert, Ernie, etc. Even Donna Reed who played the loyal Mrs. Bailey. And yes Clarence the Angel, who saved George's life is played by Henry Travers.

The film contains many memerable scenes, the crack in the ice, George save Mr. Gower from accidently poised a child,(He was grief-skricken oven the death of his son), the frantic people in the S&L, the missing money and there are more.

Like I said before the film's flop, but it was television that revivce the movie that made it a classic. Even I can get cloke up when Bailey preying to God, asking him for a second chance. When Christmas time rolls around, to me it time to visit the folks at Bedford Falls.

If you never saw this wonderful classic, now is the time to see this movie.
Jul 21, 2003
A classic film that should be seen by everyone.
Jul 2, 2016
This is by far my favorite Christmas movie ever made. I love Jimmy Stewart's performance in this film. I didn't know until recently that this was directed, written, produced, and partially musically scored by the same person: Frank Capra. Not only is this one of the best Christmas movies of all time, teaching one of the best lessons ever put to film, but it is also one of the best FILMS of all time.

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