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Jackie Brown
Academy Award® Nominee
Jackie supplements her meager income as a stewardess by smuggling cash into the U.S. for gunrunner Ordell Robbie--until the day an ATF agent and an L.A. cop bust her at the airport. The cops pressure...  View more >

Starring Pam Grier, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro...  View more >

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[--- Stay Away! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
This movie drags on forever. And is eternally BORING!!!.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
Although I was confused at a few points and didn't understand every event that occured in the film, I must say, this is the second best film I have seen this year, the first being Titanic. The basic storyline is a women named Jackie Brown is an airline flight attendant who gets busted by the cops and by a Special Agent of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Department (ATF) nicely played by Michael Keaton.Samuel L. Jackson plays the bad guy in this film who is out for his half a million dollars from Mexico. There are other players involved such as a Bail Bond officer and a sexy girlfriend of Robert DeNiro's. The Sound mix at the theater was busted, but nevertheless, this is definately worth seeing as your saturday night approches.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
There has never been a film like "Pulp Fiction", Quentin Tarantino's 1994 masterpiece, the best film I have ever seen, an odyssey of fear, redemption and character. In "Pulp Fiction", Tarantino brutally shows us three stories of people in situations we couldn't have even imagined. The movie is unpredictable and strong; It still is, the greatest 156 minutes I have ever experienced in a movie theater.

It is now 1997, and questions have arisen about the director making a next great film. There has been much controversy about the filmmaker, about having only two small bit parts (in "Four Rooms" and "From Dusk Til Dawn"). Perhaps the director/writer has ended his winning streak? All these people should know it has been over 10 years since Stanley Kubrick has made a movie. "Jackie Brown" will never live in the same domain of my mind as "Pulp" did, but it is still the best movie of the year.

The film stars the amazing Pam Grier as Jackie Brown, a stewardess of a cheesy Mexican airline who arrives in L.A., only to be stopped by a couple of boring cops, and is snubbed for smuggling in some cash for Ordell (Samuel L. Jackson). We have already met Ordell, sitting on a couch of his nice house, talking to his buddy and accomplice Louis (Robert DeNiro) about guns. ("AK-47! When you absolutely, positively got to kill every mother in the room! Accept no substitute" Ordell yells; which gets a big laugh from yours truly) We also meet the slinky Melanie (Bridget Fonda), a blonde bombshell who is drugged up all the time. The plot of the movie is a half million of cash, and the majority of the characters trying to get to it.

If you think I am going to dive into detail about this movie in front of your reading eyes, then I am sorry you are wrong. "Jackie Brown" is so amazing, the film more texture than plot that you feel completely moved by the whole experience. If any person feels this film is too long, stop devouring all those blockbusters. (My companion to this movie did not even feel the 156-minute length.) What a way to send out 1997 with seeing this film!

Grade: A+

Tech Review

Picture: 3 Good blacks and contrast, but the picture is kind of fuzzy. This has been a Miramax rademark, anyway.

Sound: 2 Mostly mono soundstage, like Tarantino's other films, they never really expand into the surrounds. This film is mixed in Dolby Digital and SDDS, but it doesn't really matter.

Photography: 4 Even though the film is 1.85:1, the photography is Altman-like, with great close-ups and camera angles. I wish Tarantino would have shot in Panavision or Super 35, but we can't have everything, can we?

Length: 156 minutes. jwhyte2@hotmail.com

[--- Wait for Rental ---]
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was long and drawn out half way into the movie I was still waiting for a little bit of action, This movie for having some very fine actors really sucked!

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
When my friend asked me if I wanted to go see “Jackie Brown,” I was somewhat skepitcal. I’m not a huge Quintin Tarantino fan, but this is without a doubt, the best movie he has ever made. The plotline of “Jackie Brown” isn’t as complicated as “Pulp Fiction,” and the characters aren’t as confusing as “Resevoir Dogs.” I saw the movie on Sunday and returned on Monday for another thrilling night—It’s the first movie I’ve ever gone back to see. Jackie Brown is the first sure-fire hit of 1998.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
I feel this is one of the most outrageous movies I have ever seen. The awesome cast drawn up by quintin tarantino is at it's best. I give this film a two thumbs up! but on the other hand I dont think you should see this movie if you don't understand tarantino's type of films. because the movie does seem to be a bit long, so if your not willing to spend the money to see a movie your not sure your gonna like I wouldn't recomend seeing it otherwise see it as soon as possible.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]
Jan 25, 2000
What an awful movie. The only reason I rated it a Wait For Rental instead of a Stay Away is that at least then you can fast forward though the pointless parts, which reduces the movie to an acceptablelength, and gets rid of most of what makes this movie bad. I know that this is supposedly a take on those '70s kind of films, but instead of coming off funny it just comes out boring.

Example: One scene of the movie is 1.5 minutes of watching the lead character driving straight down the road. That's it. Just lots of footage showing nothing but the driver behind the wheel, with no dialogue, and nothing happening. That's what most of the movie is like.

Granted, the last 30 minutes were okay, as the plot finally starts happening and there's a sort of "which bag is the real bag" thing going, but the thing took waaay to long to get there, with a lot of wooden acting along the way.

People who liked Pulp Fiction would probably like this, but if you're like me, and find that kind of movie tiresome, you won't like this one either.

Jan 25, 2000
First of all...I kinda liked it. Second of all...I thought Pam Grier was fantastic as the airline stewardess, Michael Forster was great as the bail bondsman and Samual L. Jackson was a cool arms dealer. If you are looking for outstanding acting on the parts of Fonda, Keaton or De Niro...well keep looking, you won't find it in this film. Third of all...I wish Quentin Tarantino would stop trying to direct like Quentin Tarantino of "Pulp Fiction" fame, because it's getting old. Fourth of all...Pam Grier was fantastic as the drug runner. Fifth of all...the parking lot scene with De Niro and Fonda was actually quite funny. Sixth of all...the department store scene should have included the perspective of the sales clerk....now that would have been funny. Seventh of all...Pam Grier was fantastic as a thief. Eighth of all...the theme song will drive you nuts. Bottom line...Pam Grier made this movie enjoyable...she is the only thing that saved Tarantino from having a bomb.

[--- Stay Away! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
This movie was so pointless ... DONT SEE IT!

[--- Good ---]
Jan 25, 2000
Jackie Brown starring Pam Grier was a surpisingly good film. Quentin Turantino directed and actually followed a plot line. At times, though the movie bogged down in too much dialogue. But the manner in which Jackie Brown manages to outwit the cops and the crooks in fun.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]
Jan 25, 2000
In amongst the 2 1/2 hours of film you have to sit through there is a really good 1 1/2 hour movie screaming to get out. I loved Tarrantino's 'Pulp Fiction' but 'Jackie Brown' really did bore me in some sections. With some much tighter editing this really could have been a great film. Alas... it ain't. If you like Tarrantino then catch 'Jackie Brown' on video. If you don't then steer clear.

[--- Wait for Rental ---]
Jan 25, 2000
I liked Pulp Fiction, I REALLY liked Reservoir Dogs. In fact this is the worst Tarantino movie I've ever seen -including the ones he only wrote (True Romance). The start is promising (70's music), then onto some of the classic Tarantino 'They call it a "Royale" with cheese' conversations. I like these. This time between Samuel L Jackson and Robert De Niro. After this it goes down hill. There was some chances for possible shoot-out senarios, but none were taken. Pam Grier, I have no frame of reference for her, so I'll say she was good. Jackson was doing his usual best at being a bad ass. De Niro's part and lines were so boring he looked as if he could have used a prodding to make sure he was still awake. Michael Keating was excellant, I was surprised to see his name in the credits. I didn't even know he was in this, as I didn't see him in the trailer.

I think you would have to be a real fan of Quentin Tarantino to like this film. You'd have to be a damn fool to like it more than his previous work. I was hoping for more of the usual (award winning) formula, but ended up coming away with a bad taste in my mouth.

[--- Good ---]
Jan 25, 2000
Anticipations, one rule if you are going to see a movie is don't get your anticipations or expectations too high. I have been waiting for a Tarantino movie for three years, since pulp Fiction i have been dazzled by his grotesque bloody violence sequences blended in with some humor. Jackie Brown differed a bit, in order to enjoy this movie you need to take it as a comedy, more of a light quiet film, just don't take it as the next pulp fiction because it's not. What it is is a caper movie with loads of laughs and an all star cast including Robert De Niro, i found the book "Rum Punch" by Elmore Leonard to be much better. It's only flaw is its length, too long to be a comedy. Another quality is it's explosive soul soundtrack. Hey, overall Tarantino entertains you again with a juicy plot of a stewardess running money for a gun dealer named Ordell (Sam Jackson). She is caught by two ATF agents who are extremely anxious to nab ordell. That is when the plot begins to thicken, Ordell has a half million stached in mexico and needs that money to run away more then ever. The rest of the film shows jackie's manuevering skills of how to play people against each other, fooling everyone to benifit herself. There are other characters like Max Cherry the bail bondsman played by the out of shape but back in buisness Robert Forester, the lazy beach bunny melanie played by the sexy Bridget Fonda, The lowlife loser thief Louis Gara played like a pro by Robert De Niro, and a special humorous cameo played by Chris Tucker. So if you're looking for fun and laughs Jackie Brown will hit the spot I promise.

[--- Good ---]
Jan 25, 2000
Jackie Brown (1997). Dir: Quentin Tarantino. Starring Pam Grier, Robert Forster, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro, Bridget Fonda. (*** out of ****)

The best moment of the film is when Ordell has just heard that he's lost his retirement fund of $500,000, and he's thinking hard as to who screwed him over. There is a long pause. Then, Ordell looks up and says, "It's Jackie Brown." There are some things I liked about "Jackie Brown", and there are some other things that I didn't like, such as the fact that there are too many twists to the film (similar to the film, "The Usual Suspects") - everyone is trying to outsmart the other in order to keep from being shot up. But, Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction" is a much better film than this one.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
I was so waiting for this movie with such anticipation that I read the script before the movie was out because I couldn't wait. I liked the script a lot, both because of the very good and natural dialogue and the very smart storyline. When I went to see the film I wasn't disappointed. All of the actors were really good. Especially Robert de Niro, who looks really stupid and bored, but it fitted really well and was nice for a change. Next we go to Samuel Jackson who was just as cool in Pulp Fiction and an even bigger bad-a**. Pam Grier; she was very natural and probably played the role of her life. Bridget Fonda, who looks really very hot and played really wel together with Robert de Niro. But the biggest surprise is the bail-bonds man Robert Foster. It looks like he's not acting in this film. I wouldn't be susprised to see him being the same in real life. What a joy to look at. The film is long and there is a lot of dialogue. You have to realise this before you go see this movie. Expect this: a lot of dialogue, 9!! shots fired in the entire movie, a lot of great music and very natural acting.

Jul 9, 2012

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