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My Best Friend's Wedding
Academy Award® Nominee
Julia Roberts plays a woman who realizes that she wants to marry her best friend, right after he tells her that he's marrying someone else. She launches a plan to tell him how she feels in hopes of...  View more >

Starring Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

[--- Good ---]
Jan 25, 2000
(Rating is half way between GOOD and SEE NOW!)

After all the crud that Hollywood has supplied to thousands and thousands of screens, along comes a charming comedytitled "My Best Friend's Wedding." Directed by the original P.J. Hogan (Muriel's Wedding, which was just that), this film is a light, enjoyable, slightly jarred and strange, but altogether fun movie. Take your girl, or guy.

This is Julia Roberts' best film. I love to see her smile. It makes me smile. In Wedding, she does it throughout. Dermot Mulroney, as Roberts' best friend, gives a through performance, and Cameron Diaz is beautiful, vivid and wonderful as Mulroney's fiancee, whom Roberts hopes to kill off so she can be with Mulroney.

But what really sets these performers apart from the movie is the Oscar-worthy performance by Rupert Everett, asRoberts' gay editor. He is the soul of the film, thus it belongs to him. Watching him, you will notice the tearsout of your eyes are not sadness, but laughter.

A little patchy around the middle, especially when Roberts' character sets up Mulroney, but "My Best Friend's Wedding"turns around to become one of the summer's, and quite possibly the year's, best comedies. This is 1997's answer to "Tin Cup."

Jan 25, 2000
First of all...I loved it! Talk about a film that anyone will enjoy, this is it. For those close-minded movie-goers who think that this film is just for "women-only" or that you should go see it "just to please your significant other", then you are completely wrong.

You will like, if not love this film. The humor is funny, the acting superb, and story believable. Julia Roberts and Dermot Mulroney are excellent as "best friends" and Rupert Everett's character will make you laugh out loud.

Anyone who has ever had a member of the opposite sex for a best friend will find that this movie hits a nerve...or should I say "funny bone". It really is like banging your elbow on a chair arm and everyone around you begins to laugh, and then you begin to laugh, but deep down inside you are saying "gosh darn it (or something similar) that really hurt".

If you think the film is going to be predictable...then think again...there are enough twists and turns to keep you guessing on the outcome. One major criticism though, Julia Roberts utters one line that is totally out of place in this film...when you hear it, you'll know it...it doesn't fit, you don't expect it, and you have to wonder if she really said it. With the exception of this one "totally-inappropriate" remark by Julia Roberts, the film would be excellent for all ages.

Bottom line...call up your "ex, old or current, opposite-sex best friend", get together, go see this movie, and throughout it you can jab each other in the side and say "yep, that's something you would do"....and afterwards, you will walk away and know why you could never have married each other...for it could have ruined a "wonderful friendship".

Jan 25, 2000
The movie starts out with a musical number the likes of which haven't been seen in a main-stream movie in quite some time. It makes you wonder if you're going to like this picture or not. Don't judge the movie by this opening sequence though, it gets better.

Julianne (Julia Roberts) and Michael (Dermot Mulroney) have been best friends for 9 years. Such good friends in fact that they made a pact with each other that if by age 28, neither of them had married, they would get married to each other.

Three weeks before her 28th birthday, Julianne gets a call from Michael, whom she hasn't heard from in quite a while. He's got something important to talk to her about. She gets worried about this pact that they made so long ago and whether or not she is going to have to go through with it.

Turns out that he is calling her to tell her that he is getting married to someone else in 4 days! She is floored, literally. It is at this point that Julianne realizes that she has loved Michael all these years and she cannot let him get away.

Spending the next few days in a desperate attempt to break up the soon to take place nuptials, she fails miserably in her attempts and ends up just bringing them closer to each other.

Julia Roberts does a wonderful job with this role. She plays the character perfectly, with all nuances of a desperate woman in one scene and a sophisticated lady in the next.

The supporting cast is never well established and end up being filler material for when the main characters are not on screen.

For those people familiar with Chicago, this is a fun movie to watch since it's shot mostly in and around the downtown area.

The restaurant scene in which a musical number takes place is great fun. Plenty of humor for mature movie-goers of all ages to enjoy. Several scenes will have you laughing out loud or nodding your head in agreement.

Copyright 1997 - Ron Higgins
No unauthorized publication or distribution without the consent of Ron Higgins.
[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
"My Best Friend's Wedding" is the must-see romantic comedy of the summer. It's a great movie for teenagers and adults, although mostly women will wantto view it. Julia Roberts is sensational. It's a hilarious movie and the ending will throw you through a loop!

[--- Good ---]
Jan 25, 2000
I thought this was a very comical movie. Some parts were serious, but be prepared to roll in your seats. The movie is similiar to something that could happen in real life, and for those of you that like to escape in the movies, this may be a disapointment. Overall, this is a great movie just waiting to be seen!

[--- Good ---]
Jan 25, 2000
This was a good movie...but it is dancing on the chick flick side. It's worth seeing.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
"My Best Friend's Wedding" has to be one of the best movies this decade. "My Best Friend's Wedding" is a mix of comedy, suspense, and a love story, which was pulledoff perfectly. On top of all that, there are wonderful performances by all of the actors and actresses. Julia Roberts turned in her best job yet in "My Best Friend's Wedding"! She was sweet and sexy one moment and coniving the next, but she played both roles convincingly. So convincginly in fact that you kept wanting to yell out "What a bitch!", while wanting her to come out on top at the same time. What can I say? Julia Roberts was just perfect!

Dermot Mulroney was amazing as the clueless best friend! This man is just a very good actor! Almost every scene he was in, I found myself crying. When I think back, there's no one I'd rather have seen in this role other than him. Cameron Diaz was plain old perfect as Dermot Mulroney's sweet, perky fiancee! She was so sweet, in fact, that you can't help but wanting to just hit her. At the same time, you feel sorry for the girl. One of my favorite scenes in the movie was the bathroom scene with her and Julia. She certainly shedsthe "sweet girl" act for a few minutes. Cameron Diaz did a wonderful job.

Of course, I can't forget Rupert Everett's performance as Julia's gay friend. What can I say that hasn't already been said? You definitely know you're gonna laugh when he's on the screen. I just wished that he was in more of the movie.

Overall, "My Best Friends Wedding" is one of the best, if not the best, romantic comedies of all time! I saw it with my best friends Heather, Matt, Adam, which is the best way to see this movie. Heck we all cried so much, and Adam and Matt don't cry. This is definitely a must-see! If you have seen it already, see it again!

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
My Best Friends Wedding is the best movie. I went with my good friend Emily Krambs and she didn't like it that good but I thought it was a wonderful and exiting movie, and it has very good scenes. At some parts its kind of weird but thats only like one or two scenes. I really wanted to see this movie and I'm glad I went Because it was very funny and thriling. I recommend that if you haven't seen it rent it or go to the theater to see it. If I were rating it from 1 to 10, 10 being the best I wuold give it a 9.7. GO SEE IT RIGHT AWAY!!!

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
Highly entertaining movie right from the start to the end. Rarely have I seen a movie this good. I tried looking for faults in this movie, but there are so trivial compared to the good points. See this movie, and it will certainly leave a smile on your face for days. Even if the price of the ticket triples, go see this movie anyway. Believe me, it's worth your hard-earned money.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
My Best Friend's Wedding is by far the best movie I saw this summer! It was excellent. Julia Roberts gives her best performance of her career, and once again she has impressed me with her warm glow, pretty smile, and just being Julia Roberts. And Dermot Mulroney(He is SO HOT!) and Cameron Diaz are just as great. But I gotta admit, Rupert Everett really stole the show as Julianne's gay friend & editor, George. He had me crying!(because I was laughing so hard!)He was excellent, from him putting up with Julianne's schemes to win Michael back, to a certain scene with him leading a packed restaurant with an interesting version of the classic pop hit "I Say A Little Prayer". This is a great romantic comedy that a guy or girl will love, and also for anyone who's ever fallen in love with their best friend. I would call this my 2nd favorite movie--Pretty Woman is my first. It also has a great soundtrack,I went out and bought it the other day. Just about every song is good, especially Amanda Marshall's "I'll Be Okay". The only flaw I found in the movie: A certain scene where Julia Roberts utters something that was very out of place, and it just wasn't HER. But that didn't effect anything else in the movie. My rating for My Best Friend's Wedding, On a scale of 1-10:10.

[--- See Now! ---]
Jan 25, 2000
Comedies usually don't trip my trigger, but this movie is too awesome to miss! Julia Roberts is great, and Rupert Everett is indeed funny as her good friend. The scene where Cameron Diaz's character is forced to sing is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen in a movie. It is very smart, and has a little sting to it, too. After all, Julia is trying to ruin a very happy relationship. But it's just to fun to see her doing all these malicious that it doesn't matter. Cameron Diaz was the funniest person in this film. I wish more people would recognize that. I cracked a smile and prepared to laugh any time she came on the screen. Definitely worth the price of admission, and unpredictable, too. Have a good time, and F.Y.I. - it comes out on video December 9th.

[--- Good ---]
Jan 25, 2000
The movie was great! I actually saw a review about the movie on the newspaper, and by the way, my good friend wanted to watch too. I found the movie amusing, espacially the part when Kimmy couldn't sing. I even choked on my coke! The movie is definitely worth watching.

Dec 7, 2002
A well-written wonderful film about a writer played by Julia Roberts, who found out that the man she's been in love with is getting married to another woman, played by Cameron Diaz.

One scene when the wedding party were in a restraunt singing "Together Forever!" Another is when Diaz tried to sing at kaorake. These two scenes, plus the opening number which is a 60's tune titled "Show Em That You Care," indicated that music played into the lives of the main characters. A confession of love by Roberts, which led to a bathroom confrontation by Diaz is the icing on the cake for this film.
Jul 21, 2003
This one is good enough to own, as you'll pull it out every once in a while when you're in the mood for a good romantic comedy.

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