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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Academy Award® Nominee
The next installment in the Star Wars franchise. Set 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the highly-anticipated next installment will feature a mix of new and familiar faces.

Starring Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver...  View more >

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Reviews Summary

Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Dec 18, 2015
Dec 30, 2015
Loved this movie..big fan of IV, V and VI...not so much I, II and III. Thought this was more like the originals, IMHO.
Dec 31, 2015
The original Star Wars trilogy was a part of my childhood. I enjoyed them immensely back then, and many times since. I've purchased them on more formats than I care to count. When the prequels were released, I was one of those that bought a ticket to The Waterboy just to see the trailer for The Phantom Menace. While they definitely didn't live up to the bar set by the original trilogy, I still enjoyed them.

My expectations for this new installment was that it do justice to the "Star Wars Universe" that came before it. As the news bits and trailers were released, my anticipation level increased as we saw that there were returning characters and actors from the original trilogy, which took place 30 years earlier. Going into this first viewing, I avoided all spoilers and even any reviews or summaries of the movie, as I wanted the experience to be as free of the "Phantom Menace" level of hype as possible.

It took me nearly two weeks to see it after it was released, so avoiding spoilers was quite the task, but it was worth it!

This movie did a great job of blending elements of what fans of the original trilogy enjoyed while still being contemporary in regards to moviemaking and storylines. I appreciated the subtle humor as well as the references to the "bygone era." I admit to experiencing some elation to certain scenes, especially during the first appearance of the fleet of rebel X-Wing fighters. I felt like I remembered feeling back watching those first movies for the first time, and that's something that the prequel trilogy failed to do.

A very good measure of a movie is how you feel about it afterwards, and I came away from the end credits of The Force Awakens wanting to watch it again. Which I will do, if I can do so before it leaves the screens worthy of the visuals and sound achievements. May 2017 will be a long wait, but I expect to be enjoying multiple viewings of this movie after it is released on video!
Jan 4, 2016
Everything's old is new again! The seventh Star Wars movie has me on the edge of my seat and I was smiling. The first three Star Wars movie between 1999-2005 is good, but not great. (anyone has ever heard of Jar Jar Blinks?) but this movie is out of this world. it's a clash between the old and the new school. Old cast returns to boost the new cast and a new crediable villian arises as well as a new evil organization to take it's place of the empire. A new droid and new heroes emerges and the movie's has not a dull moment in the movie.I'm not going to give away the ending, but It made me want to look forward to the next Star Wars movie which will come out in 2017. people will see it about 5, 10, 15, 20 times.I'm happy enough to see the movie only once. Maybe twice if I can find the time.
Jan 6, 2016
Could be he best one yet.
Jan 17, 2016
This is a fun filled, action packed movies. At times I wanted to laugh and at other times, cry. This is a movie that the whole family should see. Younger children may not be able to see certain parts but my family went and we loved it. I would recommend seeing the first 6 movies before you go to see this one. You may need the background information in order to understand some of the important lines in the movie. I loved how they were able to reference the other movies and tie this one in. From a fan girl's point of view, I can't wait for May, 2017 when the next Star Wars film comes out!
Feb 15, 2016
Not at all political...
Mar 29, 2016
Apr 12, 2016

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